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发布时间:2018-03-24 12:59

  本文选题:学生社团 切入点:创新机制 出处:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,素质教育不断地深化,我国高校学生社团如雨后春笋般迅猛发展,其规模,数量,类型都在成倍的增长。由于高校学生社团在育人、组织青年,培养学生干部,思想政治教育等方面发挥着重要的作用,高校学生社团得到了社会和各高校学生党政领导的高度重视。在目前的高校对学生社团的管理中,还存在着许多问题,如社团管理机制僵硬,社团管理制度在执行过程中出现偏差,高校学生社团运转不畅,高校学生社团数量多但层次低等问题。引起这些问题的原因在于社团管理理念滞后,制度滞后且执行过程缺乏监督,学生社团内部管理存在缺陷,高校学生社团发展缺乏资源。如何解决制约学生社团发展的这些问题,创新高校对学生社团的管理,引导高校学生社团健康快速发展是一项迫在眉睫的任务。 本文将运用文献研究、调查问卷、访谈等多种研究方法,以郑州大学为例,把高校学生社团作为一种组织、一种现象来研究,而且将其纳入公共管理的范畴,作为一个资源整合的有机整体,运用公共管理学的公共治理理论,重点从高校社团长效机制角度,研究社团管理的创新问题。针对当前高校学生社团管理中遇到的问题,提出了优化管理机制,完善高校学生社团制度建设,加强高校对学生社团活动资金、场地和导师的支持,引导学生社团整合各种资源等对策。
[Abstract]:In recent years, quality education has been continuously deepened, and the student associations in colleges and universities in our country have been developing rapidly, and their scale, quantity and types have increased exponentially. As the students' associations in colleges and universities are educating people, organizing young people and cultivating student cadres, The ideological and political education plays an important role, and the college student associations are highly valued by the society and the party and government leaders of each university. There are still many problems in the management of the student associations in colleges and universities. Such problems as rigid management mechanism, deviation in the implementation of association management system, poor operation of college student associations, large number of student associations in colleges and universities, low levels, etc. The causes of these problems lie in the lag of the concept of community management. The system lags behind and the execution process lacks of supervision, the internal management of student associations is deficient, and the development of college student associations is short of resources. How to solve these problems that restrict the development of student associations, and how to innovate the management of student associations in colleges and universities? It is an urgent task to guide the healthy and rapid development of college student associations. This article will use literature research, questionnaire, interview and other research methods, take Zhengzhou University as an example, take the university student associations as an organization, a phenomenon to study, and bring them into the scope of public administration. As an organic whole of resource integration, using the public governance theory of public management, this paper focuses on the innovation of community management from the point of view of the long-term mechanism of university associations, aiming at the problems encountered in the management of college students' associations at present. The paper puts forward some countermeasures such as optimizing the management mechanism, perfecting the construction of university student association system, strengthening the support of university to student community activity fund, venue and tutor, and guiding student association to integrate all kinds of resources.


中国期刊全文数据库 前6条

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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前8条

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2 祝媛;新疆师范大学留学生社团调查分析[D];新疆师范大学;2017年

3 谢莹;三明学院社团管理系统的研究与分析[D];云南大学;2015年

4 徐克选;高校学生社团管理的问题及对策研究[D];苏州大学;2015年

5 张意;高职院校学生社团联合会管理体制建设研究[D];云南大学;2015年

6 聂婷婷;乌鲁木齐市高校武术社团发展研究[D];新疆师范大学;2015年

7 于蓝;高职院校社团管理体制研究[D];西北农林科技大学;2015年

8 张杨;河北北方学院学生社团管理的现状分析及策略选择[D];燕山大学;2014年




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