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发布时间:2018-03-24 21:04

  本文选题:高校 切入点:科技成果转化 出处:《西安建筑科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:科技成果向生产力的转化是推动经济与社会发展的助推器,同时科技成果转化能力也是衡量一所高校学术水平以及综合竞争能力的一个重要标准。据统计,陕西省的高校数量达到了79所(不含独立院校),其中西安地区有50所,但是拥有丰富科教资源的陕西省高校科技成果转化水平却不高。如何进一步提高陕西高校的科技成果转化成为一项重要而紧迫的研究课题。 本文在借鉴国内外已有研究成果的基础上,以陕西省高校为研究对象,通过检阅文献、统计资料、专家访谈及实地调研,对2010年至2011年陕西省高校科技成果及相关经济数据进行了整理分析,,描述述了陕西省高校科技成果转化的现状和特征,分析了陕西省高校科技成果转化存在的问题,从内部因素和外部因素两方面对制约陕西省高校科技成果转化的因素进行了剖析,主要有:内部制约因素包括管理体制因素、激励机制因素、产权因素和R&D经费因素,外部制约因素包括中介因素、风险因素、市场因素和政策因素。借助统计学等分析方法,建立了陕西高校科技成果转化评价指标体系,运用指标体系的分析得出陕西省高校科技成果转化能力的关键指标为科技基础类指标,只有加大对高校科技基础投入才能提高陕西省科技成果转化水平。在借鉴国内外高校科技成果转化经验的基础上,分别从科研人员、高校、政府三方面提出了加快陕西省高校科技成果转化的对策。主要有:科研人员应以市场为导向选择科研课题;高校应建立与完善人才激励机制,应加快专业机构建设;政府应合理配置R&D经费、大力发展中介组织建设、建立和完善高校科技成果转化的风险投资机制、完善促进高校科技成果转化的政策体系等。
[Abstract]:The transformation of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces is a booster to promote economic and social development. At the same time, the ability to transform scientific and technological achievements is also an important criterion for measuring the academic level and comprehensive competitiveness of a university. According to statistics, The number of colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province has reached 79 (excluding independent colleges and universities, including 50 in Xi'an, However, the level of transformation of scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province is not high, and how to further improve the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province has become an important and urgent research topic. Based on the existing research results at home and abroad, this paper takes colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province as the research object, through reviewing the literature, statistical data, expert interviews and field research. This paper analyzes the scientific and technological achievements and related economic data of colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province from 2010 to 2011, describes the present situation and characteristics of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province, and analyzes the problems existing in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province. This paper analyzes the factors restricting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province from two aspects: internal factors, including management system factors, incentive mechanism factors, property rights factors and R & D funding factors. The external restrictive factors include intermediary factors, risk factors, market factors and policy factors. With the help of statistics and other analytical methods, the evaluation index system for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Shaanxi colleges and universities is established. Based on the analysis of the index system, it is concluded that the key index of the transformation ability of scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province is the basic index of science and technology. Only by increasing the investment in the scientific and technological foundation of colleges and universities can the level of transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Shaanxi Province be improved. The government has put forward the countermeasures of speeding up the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province. The main measures are as follows: scientific research personnel should take the market as the guide to select scientific research topics, universities should establish and perfect the talent incentive mechanism, and should speed up the construction of professional institutions. The government should allocate the R & D funds reasonably, develop the intermediary organization construction, establish and perfect the venture capital mechanism of the transformation of the scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities, and perfect the policy system of promoting the transformation of the scientific and technological achievements of the colleges and universities, etc.


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