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发布时间:2018-03-25 10:22

  本文选题:高校 切入点:网络舆情 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在全球化与信息化浪潮的影响下,社会转型和多元化思想浪潮给我国高校带来了许多负面和消极的影响,因此,高校网络舆情危机突发事件时有发生。如今信息技术飞速发展,传统媒体与现媒体媒手段的综合运用,使得高校网络舆情危机突发事件一旦被公众聚焦,将不仅是网络新闻媒体报道的热点,也会构成高校网络舆情危机,甚至有可能关系到国家和社会的和谐安定。高校网络舆情本身就是一把“双刃剑”,一方面,能提供高校信息传播空间,使学生网民群体能更好的沟通学习与交流;另一方面,网络上居心叵测的人恶意发布网络虚假信息,意见领袖们的激进言论引发“蝴蝶效应”,大学生心理上的不成熟容易被利益集团操纵等。因此,如何有效的防范高校网络舆情危机突发事件的发生,如何科学的引导和管理高校学生的上网学习,如何建立和健全高校网络舆情预警机制以及时了解高校学生舆情动态,对高校人才培养和构建和谐校园、和谐社会有重要的意义。 本文分六章内容,第1章,主要是对论文的研究背景、研究内容、研究方法、国内外研究现状、研究意义、研究拟解决的关键问题进行描述。第2章,根据已有的观点和研究成果对高校网络舆情的含义、特点、载体和影响等进行分析与解读。第3章,在对高校网络舆情预警机制的含义、特点和功能进行描述后,提出高校网络舆情预警机制的构建原则,并详细阐述高校网络舆情预警机制的构建内容,同时探讨高校网络舆情预警机制的构建所需的相关技术,并据此建立高校网络舆情预警机制模型。第4章,结合相关案例,针对目前高校网络舆情预警所存在的问题进行分析。第5章,根据所存在的问题,在明确完善高校网络舆情预警机制的基本思路、基本原则和基本目标的基础上,从网络舆情预防理念、学校组织管理机构和信息渠道等方面探究完善高校网络舆情预警机制的思路。第6章,对全文内容进行总结,提出本论文的主要研究结论,并对下一步研究内容的做出展望。
[Abstract]:Under the influence of globalization and information technology, the tide of social transformation and pluralistic thought has brought many negative and negative influences to colleges and universities in our country. Therefore, the crisis of network public opinion in colleges and universities has occurred from time to time. Nowadays, information technology is developing rapidly. With the combination of traditional media and current media, once the emergency of network public opinion crisis in colleges and universities is focused by the public, it will not only be a hot spot of network news media reports, but also constitute a network public opinion crisis in colleges and universities. It may even have a bearing on the harmony and stability of the country and society. College network public opinion itself is a "double-edged sword". On the one hand, it can provide a space for the dissemination of information in colleges and universities, so that students' netizens can better communicate and learn and communicate; on the other hand, People with malicious intentions on the Internet maliciously publish false information on the Internet, radical remarks by opinion leaders lead to the "butterfly effect", and the psychological immaturity of college students is easily manipulated by interest groups. How to effectively prevent the emergency of university network public opinion crisis, how to scientifically guide and manage college students' online learning, how to establish and perfect the early warning mechanism of university network public opinion in order to understand the university students' public opinion dynamics in time, and how to establish and perfect the early warning mechanism of university network public opinion. It is of great significance to the cultivation of talents and the construction of harmonious campus in colleges and universities. This paper is divided into six chapters, the first chapter, mainly describes the research background, research content, research methods, domestic and foreign research status, research significance, the key issues to be solved. According to the existing viewpoints and research results, this paper analyzes and interprets the meaning, characteristics, carrier and influence of network public opinion in colleges and universities. Chapter 3, after describing the meaning, characteristics and functions of the early warning mechanism of network public opinion in colleges and universities, This paper puts forward the construction principle of the early warning mechanism of network public opinion in colleges and universities, and expounds in detail the construction content of the early-warning mechanism of network public opinion in colleges and universities, and probes into the relevant technologies needed for the construction of the early-warning mechanism of network public opinion in colleges and universities. Chapter 4, combined with relevant cases, analyzes the problems existing in the early warning of network public opinion in colleges and universities. Chapter 5, according to the existing problems, On the basis of making clear and perfecting the basic ideas, basic principles and basic objectives of the early warning mechanism of network public opinion in colleges and universities, the concept of prevention of network public opinion is introduced. Chapter 6 summarizes the content of this paper, puts forward the main research conclusions of this paper, and looks forward to the next research content.


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