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发布时间:2018-03-25 13:54

  本文选题:湖南省 切入点:在读硕士研究生 出处:《吉首大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法等方法对湖南省在读硕士研究生参与体育活动的现状进行调查与分析。旨在了解湖南省在读硕士研究生参与体育活动的现状和规律,找出影响研究生参与体育活动的因素,以便为研究生更好的参加体育活动提供理论参考,为推动和深化高校体育制度改革提供理论依据。研究结果显示:1、湖南省部分高校未开设研究生体育课。研究生对体育运动的态度比较好,但参与育活动的意识比较单薄,体育活动氛围令人担忧。2、研究生的学习习惯不利于身体健康和高效率的学习。3、研究生的体质较本科生有所下降,体育消费不高。4、多数研究生希望学校增开有趣味的体育课,希望有组织的参加体育锻炼,希望拥有一个健康的体魄。 通过对湖南省高校全日制在读硕士研究生的调查与分析对研究生参与体育活动的开展给出如下建议:第一,鼓励高校开设体育课程,加强组建体育社团或者其他体育活动形式,来满足研究生多样化的体育需求。第二,将研究生纳入各种形式、级别的体育比赛,定期组织各种研究生集体活动。第三,加强研究生的体育消费意识,促进研究生进行体育消费,使研究生树立正确的健康观。第四,鼓励高校创建特色校园体育文化,创造良好的研究生体育文化氛围。第五,扩大学校体育场馆、体育设施等体育经费投入,,高校有关部门应重视研究生的体育工作。第六、优化高校体育教师师资力量,改善对研究生参与体育活动的指导。第七、改进研究生体育管理的模式,以培养研究生体育兴趣为主,努力提高研究生的终身体育意识以及健康的观念。
[Abstract]:This article adopts the literature method, the questionnaire survey method, The methods of logic analysis are used to investigate and analyze the present situation of sports participation of postgraduate students in Hunan Province. The purpose of this paper is to understand the present situation and law of the participation of postgraduates in sports activities in Hunan Province. To find out the factors that affect the participation of graduate students in sports activities, in order to provide a theoretical reference for graduate students to participate in sports activities better. In order to promote and deepen the reform of physical education system in colleges and universities, the research results show that there is no physical education course for graduate students in some colleges and universities in Hunan Province. The attitude of postgraduates towards sports is better, but the consciousness of participating in educational activities is relatively weak. The atmosphere of sports activities is worrisome. 2. The study habits of graduate students are not conducive to healthy and efficient study. 3. The physique of graduate students is lower than that of undergraduates, and the sports consumption is not high. Most graduate students hope to have more interesting physical education classes in their schools. Hope to participate in physical exercise organized, hope to have a healthy physique. Based on the investigation and analysis of full-time graduate students in Hunan Province, the following suggestions are given for the development of sports activities: first, to encourage colleges and universities to set up physical education courses. Strengthen the establishment of sports associations or other forms of sports activities to meet the diverse sports needs of graduate students. Second, incorporate graduate students into sports competitions of various forms and levels, and regularly organize collective activities of various graduate students. Third, Strengthen the sports consumption consciousness of graduate students, promote the sports consumption of graduate students, make graduate students have a correct view of health. Fourth, encourage colleges and universities to create characteristic campus sports culture, create a good sports culture atmosphere for graduate students. In order to expand the investment in sports funds such as school sports venues and sports facilities, the departments concerned in colleges and universities should attach importance to the sports work of postgraduates. Sixth, we should optimize the teaching staff of physical education teachers in colleges and universities, and improve the guidance for postgraduates to participate in sports activities. Seventh, In order to improve the management mode of postgraduates' physical education, we should focus on cultivating the interest of postgraduates in sports, and strive to improve the consciousness of lifelong physical education and the concept of health of postgraduates.


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