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发布时间:2018-03-27 16:51

  本文选题:新媒体时代 切入点:动画专业 出处:《才智》2014年15期

[Abstract]:The development of various new technologies has a direct impact on the trend of animation industry, and at the same time, the dynamic of animation industry also has an impact on information dissemination technology. These new technologies do not only mean to strengthen the development of digital information technology, We should also strengthen the development of animation communication ideas, animation design thinking, animation creativity, and introduce new media technology into the animation production process, thus opening up a new way for the development of the animation industry. In view of the present situation of animation industry and the opportunities and challenges encountered, this paper puts forward some innovative ideas for the future development of animation industry: introducing project-based teaching methods into studios, strengthening the cooperation between universities and enterprises, To find a new mode to promote the development of animation industry, to speed up cross-disciplinary cooperation, and to strengthen the technical exchange with countries all over the world.
【作者单位】: 长春师范大学;


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