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发布时间:2018-03-27 16:53

  本文选题:大学新生 切入点:心理控制源 出处:《苏州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的:本研究探讨心理控制源和孤独感的关系,据此为大学生心理健康干预提供依据。 方法:研究一对高校350名大学新生采用心理控制源量表和孤独量表进行心理控制源及孤独感的相关性调查。研究二对其中40名(干预组、对照组各20名)进行为期8周,每周一次的团体心理干预,,比较团体干预前后心理控制源的改变程度。 结果:1、特质和状态性孤独在性别、城乡维度上不存在显著性差异,但状态性孤独感非独生子女强于独生子女。 2、本研究中被试的心理控制源各因子的得分均低于大学生常模,并且“内控性”变量得分高于“有势力他人”和“机遇”变量的得分。“内控性”和“机遇”变量在性别、城乡和是否独生子女维度上不存在差异显著性。“有势力的他人”变量得分男性高于女性。 3、特质性孤独和状态性孤独与“内控性”呈负相关,与“有势力他人”及“机遇”呈正相关。 4、团体认知行为干预后“内控性”增强,“有势力他人”及“机遇”降低,孤独感降低。其中社交孤独、情感孤独和孤独程度因子都有显著性降低。 结论:大学新生的孤独感与心理控制源存在显著相关,提示应对大学新生给予适当关注,注重对内控成长的重视。团体辅导能有效增强个体内控性,从而降低孤独感,增进心理健康。
[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the relationship between locus of control and loneliness in order to provide evidence for mental health intervention of college students. Methods: a total of 350 freshmen in colleges and universities were investigated with locus of control and loneliness scale, 40 of them (20 in the intervention group and 20 in the control group) were investigated for 8 weeks. Group psychological intervention once a week was used to compare the changes of locus of control before and after group intervention. Results: (1) there was no significant difference between sex and stateful loneliness in gender and urban and rural dimensions, but the sense of state loneliness was stronger than that of only child. 2. The scores of each factor of locus of control in this study were lower than that of the norm of college students, and the score of "internal control" was higher than that of "influential others" and "opportunity", and the gender of "internal control" and "opportunity" was higher than that of "internal control" and "opportunity". There was no significant difference between urban and rural areas and whether the only child was the only child. The scores of "influential others" variables were higher in males than in females. 3. Idiosyncratic loneliness and state loneliness are negatively correlated with "internal control", and positively correlated with "influential others" and "opportunities". 4. After group cognitive behavior intervention, "internal control" increased, "influential others" and "opportunities" decreased, and loneliness was reduced, among which social loneliness, emotional loneliness and loneliness degree factors were significantly reduced. Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between loneliness and locus of control of freshmen, which suggests that proper attention should be paid to college freshmen, and attention should be paid to the growth of internal control. Group counseling can effectively enhance individual internal control and thus reduce loneliness. Improve mental health.


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