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发布时间:2018-03-28 14:13

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:思想政治教育 出处:《山西农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:思想政治教育是一个复杂性系统工程,当前我国高校大学生思想政治教育的针对性和实效性还相对薄弱。随着经济全球化、信息网络化和文化多元化等外部环境的深刻变革,引起大学生价值取向、主体意识和个体需求的急剧变化,对新时期思想政治教育工作带来了更大的冲击和挑战。在此新形势、新环境和新要求的时代背景下,为扭转当前思想政治教育针对性、实效性薄弱现状,迫切要求教育工作者引进全新视角和解读方式,寻找并构建一种行之有效的解决模式。借鉴系统理论、协同理论和分层次教育理论加以综合运用,构建系统视域下大学生思想政治教育诸要素协同模式,就是对以上形势、问题和诉求的一种积极回应和有益探索。 本文以大学生思想政治教育针对性和实效性薄弱现状为研究对象,以系统理论、协同理论和分层次教育理论为研究方法,以纵向系统划分结构助力整合、横向大学生分层次促进要素协同为研究思路,以探索构建大学生思想政治教育优质状态的模式为研究目的。本文模式构建的研究路径大致分为:首先分析大学生思想政治教育系统结构,划分系统各层次要素构成,以此描绘出系统树状结构脉络图,从宏观角度把握教育系统整体构架;然后将大学生置于教育子系统层面,根据学生个体特征和个性化需求,从微观视角分析此层面上存在问题,借鉴协同理论剖析影响教育系统整体性功效的深层原因;最后运用分层次教育理论在多种要素背景下对大学生进行层次划分,以此促使各要素协同配合提升系统功效。最终通过综合运用这三种理论构建出教育对象多元化、教育目标多层次、教育方法多途径、教育内容多时序、教育环境多渠道的系统视域下大学生思想政治教育诸要素协同模式。 本文研究结论得出的对大学生进行分层次教育构建系统协同运行的思想政治教育模式,是根据系统理论从宏观地视角研究教育系统工作构成,能够较为全面条理地把握工作全局,借鉴协同理论微观地研究教育系统工作状态,能够比较细致客观地了解其运行机制,运用分层次教育理论研究对大学生开展工作的思路,较为贴近大学生需求和工作实际。在科学理论指导和丰富材料支撑下得出的构建模式,具有可行性和操作性,能够完成解决针对性和实效性的研究命题。
[Abstract]:Ideological and political education is a complex and systematic project. At present, the pertinence and effectiveness of ideological and political education for college students in our country are relatively weak. With the profound changes in the external environment, such as economic globalization, information networking and cultural pluralism, etc. The sharp changes of college students' value orientation, subjective consciousness and individual demand have brought greater impact and challenge to the ideological and political education work in the new period. In order to reverse the current situation of ideological and political education, it is urgent for educators to introduce a new angle of view and interpretation, to find and construct an effective solution model. It is a positive response and a beneficial exploration to the above situation, problems and demands to apply the synergetic theory and the hierarchical education theory comprehensively, and to construct the cooperative mode of the elements of ideological and political education of college students under the system view. This paper takes the current situation of college students' ideological and political education as the research object, takes the system theory, the cooperation theory and the hierarchical education theory as the research method, and the vertical system divides the structure to help the integration. Horizontal college students to promote the coordination of factors at different levels for the research ideas, The purpose of this study is to explore the mode of constructing the high quality state of college students' ideological and political education. The research path of this paper is divided into: firstly, the structure of the ideological and political education system of college students is analyzed, and the elements of each level of the system are divided. From the view of macroscopic view, the whole framework of the education system is grasped, and then the college students are placed on the level of the education subsystem, according to the individual characteristics and the individual needs of the students. This paper analyzes the existing problems on this level from the micro perspective and analyzes the deep reasons that affect the overall efficacy of the education system by using the synergy theory. Finally, the hierarchical education theory is used to divide the university students into different levels under the background of various elements. Finally, through the comprehensive use of these three theories, we can construct the education object diversification, the education goal multi-level, the education method many ways, the education content many time series, The cooperative mode of various elements of ideological and political education of college students under the systematic view of multi-channel education environment. This paper concludes that the ideological and political education model of constructing the cooperative operation of the education system for college students is based on the system theory from the macroscopic perspective to study the composition of the education system. It can grasp the overall situation of the work comprehensively and methodically, study the working state of the education system from the microcosmic view of the cooperative theory, understand its running mechanism in detail and objectively, and use the hierarchical education theory to study the train of thought of carrying out the work to the university students. The construction model based on the guidance of scientific theory and abundant materials is feasible and operable, and can complete the research proposition of pertinence and effectiveness.


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