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发布时间:2018-03-28 19:18

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:社会主义核心价值体系 出处:《兰州理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自从党中央于2006年10月提出“建设社会主义核心价值体系”的命题以来,在国家机器主流意识的支持下,我国理论界对于社会主义核心价值体系进行了大量的研究,并取得了不少理论成果。最近胜利召开的党的十八大又对社会主义核心价值体系作了新的阐述,尤其是对社会主义核心价值观作了新的概述。 本文坚持辩证唯物主义的立场观点,在查阅相关文献资料的基础上,邀请了大量专家学者,设计了调查问卷,并开展了大学生社会主义核心价值体系教育评价调查,结合当前大学生社会主义核心价值体系教育实际,有目的、有计划获得有关评价大学生社会主义核心价值体系教育的真实情况活动,并在已有教育体系以及学科发展的内在逻辑框架的基础上,运用关键绩效指标法(KPI)为评价选择出关键指标,从而设计大学生社会主义核心价值体系教育评价指标体系。并运用层次分析法(AHP)建立层次结构模型和构造比较判断权重矩阵。运用评价指标在已有的大学生社会主义核心价值体系教育以及学科发展的内在逻辑框架的基础上,评价影响大学生社会主义核心价值体系教育效果的各种影响因素,从而为探索大学生社会主义核心价值体系教育评价机制,增强大学生思想政治教育效果提供量化依据。
[Abstract]:Since the CPC Central Committee put forward the proposition of "building the socialist core value system" in October 2006, with the support of the mainstream consciousness of the state machine, the theoretical circle of our country has carried out a great deal of research on the socialist core value system. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made a new exposition of the socialist core value system, especially a new overview of the socialist core values. This paper insists on the standpoint of dialectical materialism, invites a large number of experts and scholars on the basis of consulting relevant documents, designs a questionnaire, and carries out an educational evaluation survey on the socialist core value system of college students. Combining with the reality of the current education of the socialist core value system of college students, with a purpose and a plan to obtain the real situation activities concerning the evaluation of the education of the socialist core value system of college students, On the basis of the existing educational system and the internal logical framework of discipline development, the key indicators are selected by using the key performance indicators (KPI). Therefore, the evaluation index system of college students' socialist core value system is designed, and the hierarchical structure model and the weight matrix of comparative judgment are established by using the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The evaluation index is applied to the existing university students' society. On the basis of the core value system education and the internal logical framework of discipline development, This paper evaluates the factors that affect the educational effect of college students' socialist core value system, thus providing a quantitative basis for exploring the evaluation mechanism of college students' socialist core value system education and enhancing the effect of college students' ideological and political education.


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