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发布时间:2018-03-28 19:33

  本文选题:医学院学生生活方式 切入点:存在现状 出处:《重庆医科大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会老龄化的到来以及疾病谱的变化,健康产业逐渐成为世界关注的焦点。医学院校学生作为健康事业的的主力后备军,肩负着国家卫生事业建设的重任,他们是促进我国卫生事业发展和提高群众健康水平的重要支撑力量,是一个重要的群体。 在现代社会中,像医生这样对智力、体力以及知识储备都有很高要求的职业不多见,而目前,杀医、伤医事件层出不穷,医患关系日益紧张,,给医学生和医务工作者们以沉重的打击。通过对医学院校学生活方式的调查和研究,我们可以了解当前医学院校学生生活方式的特点,发现问题,如心理压力问题等,同时针对问题提出解决措施,医学院校学生生活方式调查对塑造医学生健康科学的生活方式,培养医学生健康的心态有重要的现实意义。 在查阅大量相关文献的基础上,本文通过问卷调查和个体化访谈等方式,获得大量关于医学院校学生生活方式的资料,并对这些资料进行分析和整理后,运用定性和定量分析相结合的方式,对医学院校学生生活方式相关问题展开研究。 笔者根据调查问卷分析了当前重庆市医学院校学生在日常生活状况、专业学习、休闲活动及人际交往情况、消费情况、婚恋情况以及健康意识6个方面的数据,概括了重庆市医学院校学生生活单一性、群体分化性、恋爱观自主开放性、自我维护健康意识性、个体多样性的特点,并且提出当前医学院校学生生活方式中存在的心理压力大、人际沟通障碍、不良生活方式习惯、生活满意度低迷等主要问题。最后本文对医学院校学生建立健康生活方式提出了改变心理状态和端正行为两大主要因素的目标,并探索出由政府引导、学校辅助、个人发挥主要作用三种有效改变不良生活方式的途径。
[Abstract]:With the coming of aging society and the change of disease spectrum, the health industry has gradually become the focus of the world's attention. As the main reserve force of the health cause, medical college students shoulder the important task of national health construction. They are an important support force to promote the development of health care and improve the health level of the masses. In modern society, there are few professions with high demands on intelligence, physical strength and knowledge reserves like doctors, but at present, there are more and more cases of killing doctors and injuries, and the relationship between doctors and patients is becoming increasingly tense. Through the investigation and research on the lifestyle of medical colleges and universities, we can understand the characteristics of the current medical college students' lifestyle and find problems, such as psychological stress, etc. At the same time, to solve the problem, the investigation of medical college students' life style is of great practical significance in shaping the medical students' healthy and scientific way of life and cultivating the healthy mentality of the medical students. On the basis of consulting a large number of relevant documents, this paper obtains a large amount of information on the lifestyle of medical college students by means of questionnaires and individualized interviews, and analyzes and collates these materials. Using the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, this paper studies the life style of medical college students. Based on the questionnaire, the author analyzed the current data of medical college students in six aspects: daily life, professional study, leisure activities and interpersonal communication, consumption, marriage and love, and health awareness. The characteristics of medical college students in Chongqing were summarized, such as the singularity of life, the differentiation of groups, the independent and open view of love, the consciousness of self-preservation of health, and the diversity of individuals. And points out that the current medical college students' life style exists in the psychological pressure, interpersonal communication obstacles, bad lifestyle habits, Finally, this paper puts forward the goal of changing psychological state and correcting behavior for medical college students to establish a healthy lifestyle, and explores the goal of government guidance and school assistance. Individuals play a major role in three effective ways to change bad lifestyles.


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