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发布时间:2018-03-28 23:05

  本文选题:探究科学 切入点:校本课程 出处:《广西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,大学毕业生猛增,大学生就业难的问题凸显,成为社会关注的热点。作为高校组成的一部分,师范院校也不例外。师范生的就业不仅直接关系着个人的前途、家庭的喜忧,而且关系着中小学是否及时得到师资力量的补充,关系着我国的教育事业是否能持续健康地发展。然而,很多中小学招不到称心如意的新教师,很多师范生也找不到合适的单位。研究者指出,高校毕业生“找工作难”的根本原因是高校毕业生欠缺就业能力,不足以胜任工作,也即欠缺可雇佣性。 对可雇佣性的研究,比较有代表性的是约科等人提出的USEM模型,即可雇佣性由四个部分构成:对专业知识的理解力、技能、自我效能感、元认知。对师范生而言,教师的专业水平是在理论性、实践性及个性三大逻辑点的基础上发展的。但是目前很多师范院校的培养方案滞后于中小学对新教师的需求,职业性不强,师范性不突出。教师是实践性很强的专业,需要在教中学教。因此,实践对于师范生可雇佣性的提高至关重要。 本文采用案例研究方法,以自己为研究对象,深描了在“兴华创新实践”合作平台中以实习生和项目实施合作者的双重身份,到A中学开展《探究科学》校本课程的临床实践、教中学教的成长过程。通过“孤军前行”、“受宠若惊”、“一瓢冷水”、“豁然开朗”等故事的发展,分析了笔者在实践过程经历的对专业的理解、技能、自我效能感、元认知等方面的转变,得出有合作平台支持的实践,有资源为载体的实践,有课程建设为任务的实践,有团队做后盾的实践对师范生可雇用性各个维度的提高有重要的影响这一结论。
[Abstract]:In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of college graduates, and the difficulty of obtaining employment for college students has become a hot topic of social concern. As a part of colleges and universities, normal colleges and universities are no exception. The employment of normal students is not only directly related to the future of individuals, The joys and sorrows of the family are related to whether the primary and secondary schools are supplemented by teachers in time, and whether the educational undertakings in our country can continue to develop healthily. However, many primary and secondary schools cannot recruit new teachers who are satisfied with their wishes. Many normal school students can not find suitable units. Researchers point out that the fundamental reason for the difficulty of finding jobs for college graduates is that they lack the employability to be competent for the job, that is, the lack of employability. In the study of employability, the representative USEM model proposed by Yoko et al., that is, employability is composed of four parts: understanding of professional knowledge, skills, self-efficacy, metacognition. The professional level of teachers is developed on the basis of three logical points: theory, practicality and personality. But at present, many teacher training programs lag behind the demand for new teachers in primary and secondary schools, and are not professional. Teachers are highly practical and need to be taught in middle schools. Therefore, practice is of great importance to the improvement of employability of normal school students. This paper uses the case study method, takes oneself as the research object, has described in the "Xinghua innovation practice" the cooperation platform as the intern and the project implementation partner's dual status, To develop the clinical practice of the School-based Curriculum "Inquiry Science" in Middle School A, to teach the growing process of teaching in the middle school. Through the development of stories such as "moving forward alone", "flattered", "a ladle of cold water", "suddenly bright" and so on, The author analyzes the transformation of professional understanding, skills, self-efficacy, metacognition and so on in the process of practice, and concludes that the practice supported by the cooperation platform, the practice with resources as the carrier, the practice with curriculum construction as the task, etc. The practice of working as a team has an important impact on the employability of normal school students.


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