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发布时间:2018-03-29 05:18

  本文选题:陈独秀 切入点:青年教育 出处:《哈尔滨工程大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:陈独秀是中国近现代著名的政治家、思想家和革命家,同时也是一位杰出的教育家。他作为近代中国革命的先驱,用自己独特的眼光,,关注着当时青年一代的成长。在五四运动时期,陈独秀认为,塑造全新的青年是中国革命事业取得成功的保证。因而,他对广大青年一代进行了政治观、人生观、价值观、素质观、科学观和爱国主义观等方面的教育。青年问题一直以来是许多学者关注和研究的重点问题。大学生是当代青年中最为进步的群体。他们是祖国的未来,是民族的希望。当今,我国社会正处于深刻的转型期,因而,当代大学生思想政治教育的成功与否,不仅关系到人才的成长、有中国特色社会主义建设事业的成败,还关系到民族的存亡、国家的强盛和社会的进步。本着古为今用的原则,笔者认为陈独秀青年教育思想对于我们当代大学生的思想政治教育工作也具有一些重要的启示价值。 本课题总共包含四个主要部分。首先,重点介绍了陈独秀青年教育思想的研究背景、研究意义,以及国内外研究现状和研究方法。其次,着重分析了陈独秀青年教育思想的产生背景。笔者从其产生背景的三个方面入手,深入地探索出陈独秀青年教育思想产生的原因。再次,主要阐述了陈独秀青年教育思想的体系构成。陈独秀青年教育思想主要是由青年教育的方针、青年教育的方法和青年教育的内容这三个方面构成的。最后,主要说明了陈独秀青年教育思想对当代大学生思想政治教育的方法和内容方面的几点启示意义。
[Abstract]:Chen Duxiu is a famous modern China politician, thinker and revolutionary, but also an outstanding educator. He is a pioneer of modern China revolution, with their own unique vision, attention was the growth of the younger generation. In the May 4th Movement period, Chen Duxiu believes that the image of the new youth is China revolutionary career success guarantee. Therefore, he made a political concept, to the young generation of outlook on life, values, outlook on quality, scientific outlook and patriotic aspects of education. The problem of youth is always the focus of attention of many scholars and research groups. College students are the most progress in the contemporary youth. They are the motherland the future, is the hope of the nation. Nowadays, our country is in a period of social transformation, profound and Contemporary Ideological and political education is successful or not, not only related to the growth of talent, has Chinese characteristic Socialist construction career success, but also related to the survival of the nation, the country's prosperity and social progress. In line with the principle of boiler, the author thinks that Chen Duxiu's youth education thought for our contemporary college students' Ideological and political education work also has some important enlightenment value.
This paper altogether includes four main parts. Firstly, it introduces the research background, the research significance of Chen Duxiu's youth education thought, as well as the domestic and foreign research status and research methods. Secondly, analyzes the background of Chen Duxiu's youth education thought. The author from the three aspects of the background, in-depth exploration of reasons Chen Duxiu's youth education thought. Thirdly, mainly describes the composition of Chen Duxiu's youth education thought system. Chen Duxiu's youth education thought is mainly composed of youth education, these three aspects of methods of youth education and youth education contents. Finally, mainly explains some enlightenment significance methods and contents of Chen Duxiu's youth education thoughts on the contemporary ideological and political education of college students.



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