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发布时间:2018-03-29 05:20

  本文选题:网络 切入点:政治信仰 出处:《成都理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生承担着建设我国特色社会主义的责任,肩负着共产主义理想的传承和实现的伟大使命,所以大学生一定要树立科学的政治信仰,成为合格的接班人,时刻为实现中华民族的伟大复兴而准备着。传统的政治信仰教育在以往取得了很卓越的成绩和效果,然而网络时代的到来改变了政治信仰的教育环境,网络以其革命性的方式进入到大学生的学习和生活中,网络强烈的冲击着大学生的思维意识,要守住社会主义和共产主义在大学生政治信仰中的网络阵地,既要抓住机遇又要迎接挑战,这样才能适应时代的发展和社会的要求。 论文以网络作为研究的时代背景,以马克思主义理论和党的三代领导人关于政治信仰教育的思想作为论文写作的理论基础。首先,从网络与大学生政治信仰教育的相关理论概述入手,介绍了网络在我国的发展历史以及网络的影响,明确了政治信仰以及政治信仰教育的概念,在马克思主义唯物辩证法理论的指导下,,用联系和发展的眼光看待网络与大学生政治信仰教育的关系。既要抓住网络给大学生政治信仰教育带来的机遇,又要不断克服网络给大学生政治信仰教育带来的消极影响。 其次,论文通过比较研究法主要对最近五年内学术界关于政治信仰的调查数据进行提炼分析,总结出大学生政治信仰的现状以及存在的问题、原因和发展趋势。虽然大学生的政治信仰出现了一些问题:政治信仰由单一化趋于多元化;部分大学生存在政治信仰迷茫现象;大学生在追求政治信仰时存在一定的趋利化。但是发展趋势还是比较乐观的:学术界越来越重视网络对大学生政治信仰教育的研究;共产主义信仰的地位越来越稳固;党和政府获得越来越多的大学生的支持和拥护;大学生政治信仰教育的方法越来越完善。 最后,论文根据网络时代大学生政治信仰教育的现状以及存在的问题提出相应的对策。具体而言从五个方面对网络环境下的大学生政治信仰教育提出了一些建议:完善政治信仰教育的网络建设;对网络环境下大学生的政治信仰迷茫加强科学引导;充分发挥网络的积极性,稳固共产主义信仰的主流地位;利用网络平台完善政治信仰教育的评价机制以及通过网络健全大学生政治信仰教育的预警机制。 总之,论文希望能给网络环境下的大学生政治信仰教育做出一些贡献。从外部因素来讲,要通过各种手段来克服网络给大学生政治信仰教育带来的负面影响,并利用网络的特性完善政治信仰教育的方法,增强马克思主义和共产主义在网络中的影响力,提高政治信仰教育的实效性。从内部因素来讲,要加强大学生的主体性教育和自身教育,这样才能从根本上杜绝不良网络信息和西方社会思潮对大学生的侵蚀,内因是解决问题的关键,大学生政治信仰教育工作者在教育工作中除了要完善政治信仰教育的网络环境,还要加强对大学生的科学引导,使其树立科学的人生观、价值观,并能用马克思主义来武装自己头脑,对不良社会思潮要有抵制能力。
[Abstract]:College students bear the responsibility of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and carry out the great mission of the inheritance and realization of communism . Therefore , college students must set up scientific political beliefs , become qualified successors and prepare for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation . However , the arrival of the network times has changed the educational environment of the Chinese nation .

The paper takes the network as the background of the research , based on the Marxist theory and the Party ' s thought of political belief education as the theoretical foundation of the paper writing . Firstly , the paper introduces the development history of the network and the influence of the network , and makes clear the relation between the network and the political belief education of college students .

Secondly , through comparative study , this paper mainly analyzes the investigation data of political belief in the academic circle over the last five years , summarizes the present situation of college students ' political belief and the problems , reasons and development tendency .
Some college students are confused by political beliefs ;
There is a certain convergence in the pursuit of political beliefs among college students . However , the development trend is more optimistic : the academic circles pay more and more attention to the network ' s research on the political belief education of college students ;
The status of communist beliefs is becoming more and more robust ;
The Party and the government have received more and more support and support from college students ;
The method of college students ' political faith education is more and more perfect .

At last , according to the present situation of college students ' political faith education and the existing problems , this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the political belief education of college students in the network environment .
To strengthen the scientific guidance to the political beliefs of college students in the network environment ;
Give full play to the enthusiasm of the network and stabilize the dominant position of communism belief ;
The network platform is used to improve the evaluation mechanism of political belief education and to improve the early warning mechanism of college students ' political faith education through network .

In short , the paper hopes to make some contributions to the political belief education of college students under the network environment . From the external factors , it is necessary to improve the influence of the network to college students by various means and improve the effectiveness of the education of political belief .



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