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发布时间:2018-03-29 08:03

  本文选题:英国大学 切入点:参与 出处:《天津师范大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:After three scientific and technological revolutions, mankind has entered the era of knowledge economy. Strengthening the innovation and application of scientific knowledge has become an irreversible trend in this era. As a carrier of knowledge and innovative knowledge, universities will also play an increasingly important role in the 1970s. After Britain was hit by the economic crisis, Thatcher's government cut its spending on higher education, which plunged British universities into economic difficulties. In order to ease the economic pressure, British universities, drawing on the successful experience of the United States, began to change their minds. Actively explore the path of university-industry cooperation. In 1970, Cambridge University built the first science park in Britain-Cambridge Science Park. Over the next 40 years, the British Science Park continued to grow. On the basis of consulting the literature in Chinese and English, this paper sums up three forms of participation of British universities in the development of science parks, which are respectively for the establishment of science parks by universities alone. The University and other partners have jointly established the Science Park and the University and other partners have participated in the development of the Science Park. The types of activities in which British universities participate in the development of the Science Park are classified as personnel-based activities. There are three types of problem-based and community-based activities, and two successful cases of the participation of British universities in the development of the Science Park are presented. However, as to whether or not British universities have promoted the development of the Science Park, Scholars at home and abroad have put forward different views, but there is no doubt that most people are positive about this. Although the Science Park in China started relatively late, although it has made remarkable achievements, it is still in the early stages of development. In the process of participating in the development of science park, universities in our country should draw lessons from the experience of Britain, such as: unswervingly exploring the frontier of technological science, taking measures to strengthen the connection between universities and enterprises; Combining their own advantages of scientific research and professional advantages to actively create a characteristic park; to the Science Park to fully open up all kinds of university resources; actively create a university entrepreneurial culture atmosphere, and cultivate science and technology entrepreneurs.


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