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发布时间:2018-03-29 09:03

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:网络负面情绪 出处:《闽南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着互联网的普及和推广,网络已经渗透到我国的政治、经济、军事、文化、生活等各个领域。网络使我国社会和普通百姓的思维及意识发生了巨大变化。互联网赋予网民一种在网络上平等交流、沟通的权利,从根本上改变了人们的思维定势,为中国未来发展创造出无穷的力量。高校作为人才培养的重要基地,首当其冲地成为中国网络社会发展的前沿阵地,而作为学校主体的大学生更是深受网络的影响。他们的思维方式、行为模式、心理发展等产生了巨大的变化,使其在网络上出现了诸如网络恶搞、人肉搜索、网络纠缠等形式的网络暴力、网络牢骚和网络破坏等负面情绪问题。因此,如何在网络时代加强对大学生网络负面情绪问题的分析和对策研究,就成为网络思想政治教育工作一个亟待解决的重要课题。 大学生网络负面情绪问题的深层原因在于无意识中的负面情绪传播及高级需求得不到适当满足。因此本文从网络思想政治教育的角度入手,对大学生网络负面情绪进行剖析和研究,提出引导大学生网络负面情绪的对策和实施方法。希望能在一定程度上有效控制大学生网络负面情绪的蔓延,降低网络负面情绪升级演变为网络舆论的概率,,营造良好的网络环境同时促进大学生网络思想政治教育的成熟发展。
[Abstract]:With the popularization and popularization of the Internet, the network has penetrated into our country's politics, economy, military, culture, Life and other fields. The Internet has greatly changed the thinking and consciousness of our society and ordinary people. The Internet has given Internet users the right to communicate and communicate on the Internet on an equal footing, which has fundamentally changed the mindset of people. Colleges and universities, as an important base for the training of talents, have become the forefront of the development of China's network society. And college students, as the main body of the school, are deeply influenced by the network. Their mode of thinking, behavior patterns, and psychological development have changed greatly, making them appear on the network, such as network spoof, human flesh search, etc. Network entanglement and other forms of network violence, network complaints and network destruction and other negative emotional problems. Therefore, how to strengthen the network age of college students network negative emotional analysis and countermeasures, On the network ideological and political education work an important issue to be solved. The deep reason of college students' network negative emotion problem lies in the negative emotion spreading in the unconscious and the high demand can not be properly satisfied. Therefore, this paper starts from the angle of network ideological and political education. This paper analyzes and studies the negative emotions of college students on the Internet, and puts forward the countermeasures and implementing methods to guide the negative emotions in the network of college students, hoping to effectively control the spread of the negative emotions in the network of college students to a certain extent. Reducing the probability that the negative emotion of the network is upgraded to the network public opinion, creating a good network environment and promoting the mature development of the network ideological and political education of the university students.


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