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  本文选题:“迈向顶尖大学计划” 切入点:世界一流大学 出处:《湘潭大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:“迈向顶尖大学计划”是台湾积极进行世界一流大学建设而采取的措施,是台湾为高等教育卓越发展实施的重要举措。文章主要采取文献研究法与个案研究法对台湾迈向顶尖大学计划的实施措施,建设成效,建设意义及对世界各国、各地区建设世界一流大学的借鉴做出分析评价。 文章主要研究了台湾制定并实施的建设世界一流大学的战略计划——“迈向顶尖大学计划”,首先,,重点分析了建设一流大学采取的主要措施,主要包括四个方面:制定科学的计划目标,加大经费的投入,抓好建设重点,制定严格的绩效评价。其次,对计划四个方面的成效做出研究评价:从基础设施建设,教学科研水平的提升及促进大学自主发展方面提升了台湾大学的办学实力;取得包括教学、重点研究领域建设、国际合作在内的标志性成果;增强了台湾地区高等教育整体实力;同也时促进了台湾经济、科技的发展。最后对台湾建设世界一流大学的经验启示做出详细阐述。通过该计划的实施,保障了台湾高等教育的卓越发展,提升了高校的竞争力及国际影响力,加速了台湾建设世界一流大学的进程,促进台湾经济、科技的繁荣。 全文提出的主要观点有,台湾“迈向顶尖大学计划”充实了世界一流大学建设经验;加强海峡两岸地区建设一流大学的交流沟通,并提供理论支持;为大陆建设世界一流大学提供借鉴。整体上,台湾建设世界一流大学取得瞩目成就,其对大陆地区的启示包括,首先计划对目标进行细化,分步骤建设一流大学;其次,制定严密的审议标准,优化建设经费的分配方式;然后,拓宽受辅助学校范围,支持私立大学建设,同时促进大学自主发展;最后,针对建设绩效建立规范的绩效评估审核机制来保障世界一流大学的建设与发展。
[Abstract]:The "Project towards Top Universities" is a measure taken by Taiwan to actively build world-class universities. It is an important measure that Taiwan implements for the outstanding development of higher education. This paper mainly adopts the methods of literature research and case study to implement the plan of Taiwan toward the top universities, and the construction results, the significance of the construction and the significance to the countries all over the world. The reference of constructing world-class universities in various regions is analyzed and evaluated. This paper mainly studies the strategic plan to build a world-class university in Taiwan, the "toward the Top University Plan". First of all, it analyzes the main measures to be taken to build a first-class university. It mainly includes four aspects: to formulate scientific planning objectives, to increase the investment of funds, to focus on construction, to formulate strict performance evaluation. Secondly, to study and evaluate the results of the four aspects of the plan: from the infrastructure construction, The improvement of teaching and scientific research level and the promotion of independent development of universities enhance the strength of Taiwan universities, and obtain the landmark achievements, including teaching, construction of key research fields, international cooperation, etc. It has strengthened the overall strength of higher education in the Taiwan region, promoted the development of Taiwan's economy, science and technology at the same time. Finally, it elaborated in detail the experience and inspiration of Taiwan in building world-class universities. Through the implementation of this plan, It ensures the excellent development of Taiwan's higher education, enhances the competitiveness and international influence of universities, accelerates the process of Taiwan's construction of world-class universities, and promotes the prosperity of Taiwan's economy and science and technology. The main points put forward in this paper are that Taiwan's "toward top universities" enriches the experience of the construction of world-class universities, strengthens the exchange and communication between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait to build first-class universities, and provides theoretical support. On the whole, Taiwan has made remarkable achievements in building world-class universities. Its inspiration to the mainland includes, first of all, to plan to refine the objectives and to build first-class universities step by step; secondly, Formulate strict standards of deliberation to optimize the allocation of construction funds; then, broaden the scope of auxiliary schools, support the construction of private universities, and promote the autonomous development of universities; finally, To ensure the construction and development of the world-class universities, a standardized performance evaluation mechanism is established.


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