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发布时间:2018-03-29 22:36

  本文选题:大学新生 切入点:心理韧性 出处:《河北大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:伴随着积极心理学的蓬勃发展,心理韧性的研究逐渐受到学者们的关注。心理韧性是指个体从消极经历中恢复过来,,并且灵活地适应外界多变环境的能力。大学新生作为一个特殊群体,在适应来自各方面变化的过程中难免会遇到困难和挫折,心理韧性在此时发挥着重要作用。本文从特质能力的角度理解心理韧性,考察大学新生心理韧性的状况以及探索心理韧性与自传体记忆的关系。 自传体记忆作为人们的一种“活的”记忆,与自我、情绪、心理健康关系紧密,其研究近年来越来越受重视。临床研究发现了抑郁症患者等心境不良人群有一种自传体记忆概括化的现象,即个体不能按要求描述具体事件的记忆,而只能提取类别化、概括化的记忆。此外,对于不同情绪的自传体记忆,个体所提取内容的概括程度和提取时间也有差异。本文考察大学新生被试自传体记忆具体性和情绪性的特点,并探索心理韧性对不同情绪自传体记忆的概括程度和提取时间的影响。 为此,本论文在前人研究基础上设计了两个研究:研究一选取河北大学文理工管四个专业的大学新生共164名,让他们完成CD-RISC中文版心理韧性量表及自编自传体记忆测试问卷。自传体记忆测试问卷用中性具体名词为线索诱发被试的自传体记忆,并让被试为每一条自传体记忆的情绪效价和情绪强度打分,考察大学新生自传体记忆提取事件的具体性和情绪性以及心理韧性和自传体记忆的关系。研究二选取研究一中心理韧性总分前后27%的新生作为被试,采取FC-SCEPT范式来研究心理韧性对自传体记忆的影响。实验记录被试在不同情绪词下自传体记忆的概括率以及提取时间,考察心理韧性对自传体记忆概括程度和提取时间的影响。 研究结果发现:1、大学新生的心理韧性整体处于中等偏上水平。心理韧性总分和坚韧、自强维度存在性别差异,男生心理韧性显著高于女生。2、大学新生自传体记忆提取积极情绪事件和中等强度情绪事件的人次最多,提取事件情绪效价分布在是否独生变量上存在差异;提取事件情绪强度分布在性别、是否独生、专业这些变量上差异显著;大学新生自传体记忆提取事件具体性与心理韧性显著正相关,与坚韧、自强、乐观三个因子也相关。3、在对自传体记忆概括程度的影响上,不同韧性组新生的自传体记忆概括程度差异显著,高韧性组更具体,低韧性组更概括;情绪词的效价对自传体记忆概括程度影响不显著;韧性和情绪词的交互作用不显著。在对自传体记忆提取时间的影响上,心理韧性和情绪词的主效应都不显著,但二者的交互作用显著,即在积极情绪词下,韧性高低组被试的提取时间差异不显著;在消极情绪词下,低韧性组新生的自传体记忆提取时间显著长于高韧性组被试,即低韧性新生在提取消极情绪的自传体记忆时更慢。 本研究证实了心理韧性和自传体记忆的相关关系,发现了心理韧性通过自传体记忆概括程度和消极自传体记忆的提取时间来影响自传体记忆。为从自传体记忆这个重要的认知角度解释心理韧性的复原机制提供了可能。
[Abstract]:With the vigorous development of positive psychology , the research of psychological toughness is gradually paid attention to by scholars . Psychological toughness refers to the ability of individuals to recover from negative experiences and to adapt flexibly to the external environment .

Self - biographical memory , as a kind of " living " memory , is closely related to self , emotion and mental health , and its research has become more and more important in recent years .

In this paper , two studies were designed on the basis of predecessors ' research : a study was conducted on the relationship between psychological toughness and self - biographical memory in four major freshmen from Hebei University .

The results showed that : 1 . The psychological toughness of freshmen was at the middle level . There were gender differences in the scores of psychological toughness and toughness , and the psychological toughness of male students was significantly higher than that of female students .
The intensity distribution of the emotion intensity of the extracted event was significantly different from those of the sex , the only one , and the professional .
There is a significant positive correlation between the self - biographical memory extraction events and the psychological toughness of the freshmen , which are related to the tough , self - strong and optimistic three factors . 3 . In the influence of the generalization degree of the self - biographical memory , the degree of generalization of the self - biographical memory of the freshmen with different toughness groups is obviously different , and the high - toughness group is more specific and the low - toughness group is more general ;
The effect of emotional words on self - biographical memory generalization was not significant ;
There was no significant interaction between toughness and mood word . There was no significant difference in the main effects of psychological toughness and mood word on the time of self - biographical memory extraction , but the interaction between them was significant , that is , the difference of the extraction time between the high and low groups was not significant under the positive emotion word .
In the negative emotion words , the extraction time of self - biographical memory in low - toughness group was significantly longer than that in the high - toughness group , that is , the low - toughness freshmen were slower in the process of extracting the self - biographical memory of the negative emotion .

This study confirms the correlation between psychological toughness and self - biographical memory , and finds out that psychological toughness affects the self - biographical memory through the generalization of self - biographical memory and the extraction time of negative autobiographical memory . It is possible to explain the resilience mechanism of psychological toughness from the important cognitive perspective of self - biographical memory .



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