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发布时间:2018-03-29 23:41

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:幸福观 出处:《赣南师范学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:什么是幸福?怎样才能得到幸福?这是许多人终生思考的问题。而近几年,,由于国家各方面的飞速发展和对社会主义和谐社会的深入开展,人们在生活水平不断提高的同时,越来越多地思考自身生活是否和谐的问题,不断地试问自己是否幸福。国家也越来越关注国人的幸福指数,从国家工作人员到基层普通老百姓,国家都将让他们生活幸福视为目标,幸福再次受到更多人的关注。作为当代大学生,他们对幸福的理解多种多样,而这种理解正确与否将影响祖国未来的现代化建设,影响主流价值观的导向。目前,大学生的幸福观仍存在许多的偏差,有必要对大学生的幸福观进行教育和引导,让他们树立理性、正确的幸福观,以更好地适应社会,更好地创造未来。 本文一共分为五个部分,第一章:绪论。这一章根据选题背景阐述了对大学生幸福观进行研究的理论意义和现实意义,并分析了当前国内外的研究现状,为后面的撰写打下基础。 第二章:大学生幸福观概述。这一章先从幸福的内涵、性质和实现入手阐明何谓幸福,然后分析幸福观的内涵和马克思主义幸福观的内涵,最后分析了当代大学生幸福观的教育现状,体现给大学生幸福观进行教育的紧迫性。 第三章:大学生幸福观现状调查与分析。这一章首先对在赣南地区高等院校所做的问卷调查进行数据分析,包括对个案访谈进行总结,然后对大学生幸福观现状进行梳理。 第四章:大学生幸福观存在的问题及原因分析。本章基于第三章的基础上着重分析当代大学生幸福观存在的问题,并通过分析三大问题提出涵盖了客观和主观多个方面的原因。 第五章:加强大学生幸福观教育的对策分析。本章根据上一章所分析的多方面原因提出了加强大学生幸福观教育相对应的对策,引导大学生树立正确的幸福观需要社会、家庭、高校以及个人四位一体的共同努力,这样才能达到更好的效果。
[Abstract]:What is happiness? How to get happiness? In recent years, with the rapid development of all aspects of the country and the deep development of the socialist harmonious society, people's living standards are constantly improving. More and more people are thinking about whether their lives are harmonious or not, and they are constantly asking whether they are happy. The country is also paying more and more attention to the happiness index of its people, from state workers to ordinary people at the grass-roots level. All countries regard their happiness in life as their goal, and happiness once again attracts more people's attention. As contemporary college students, their understanding of happiness is varied, and whether this understanding is correct or not will affect the future modernization of the motherland. At present, there are still many deviations in the view of happiness of college students. It is necessary to educate and guide the view of happiness of college students so that they can set up a rational and correct view of happiness in order to better adapt to the society. Better create the future. This paper is divided into five parts, the first chapter: introduction. This chapter describes the theoretical and practical significance of the research on the concept of happiness of college students according to the background of the topic, and analyzes the current research situation at home and abroad. Lay the foundation for later writing. The second chapter: the outline of the concept of happiness of college students. This chapter begins with the connotation, nature and realization of happiness, and then analyzes the connotation of the concept of happiness and the connotation of Marxist concept of happiness. Finally, it analyzes the present situation of college students'concept of happiness, which reflects the urgency of educating college students'view of happiness. Chapter three: the investigation and analysis of the present situation of college students' concept of happiness. This chapter firstly analyzes the data of questionnaire survey done in colleges and universities in south Jiangxi province, including the summary of individual interviews, and then combs the present situation of college students' view of happiness. Chapter four: the problems and causes of college students' concept of happiness. This chapter focuses on the analysis of the problems of contemporary college students' view of happiness based on the third chapter. And through the analysis of the three major issues, the objective and subjective aspects of the reasons covered. Chapter five: the countermeasure analysis of strengthening university student's happiness view education. This chapter puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to strengthen the university student's happiness view education according to the many reasons analyzed in the previous chapter, and guides the university student to set up the correct happiness view to need the society. Family, college and personal work together to achieve better results.


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2 易银珍;;高校应加强对大学生“幸福观”的教育[J];湖南社会科学;2006年03期

3 李凤美;侯乐廷;;加强校园文化建设 提高环境育人品味[J];中国科教创新导刊;2008年32期

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6 刘素娟;对消费观问题研究的几点思考[J];广西社会科学;2002年06期

7 孙英;;几个幸福难题之我见[J];吉首大学学报(社会科学版);2009年02期

8 王建华;;当代大学生感恩教育之我见[J];漯河职业技术学院学报;2008年01期

9 江传月;;现当代中西方幸福观研究综述[J];理论月刊;2009年04期

10 吕秀斌;;论幸福[J];宁夏社会科学;2009年02期

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2 周静;马克思主义幸福观及其对当代中国大学生幸福观的启示[D];华侨大学;2011年




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