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发布时间:2018-03-30 00:02

  本文选题:利益相关者 切入点:高校学生 出处:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国现代社会政治经济的飞速发展,公民参与意识的提高,当代大学生的参与热情日益增涨,各利益主体的合作参与与民主共享是高等教育管理发展的时代要求。传统上高校的两个主要权力主体是行政人员权力与教师权力,因此学生权力被遮蔽,但是高等学校教育活动的进行是通常需要这三个主体—行政管理者(负责高校所有的管理活动)、教师群体与广大学生来完成的,当代高校学生作为成年人,,他们有能力参与到一定的学校管理活动中去。随着高校民主化管理进程的不断加快,传统的高校管理体制由集权逐渐走向分权,由操纵变为服务。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020)》要求高校对管理体制进行改革,高校学生应该拥有一定的民主平等的参与权,因此学生不再仅仅作为学校管理活动的接受者,学校管理不应该只是管理人员与教师的专项权力。 高校是一个典型的利益相关者组织,各相关利益主体共同作用于学校。我国高等教育进入了大众化阶段,高校学生人数不断增加,学生是学校的主要消费者,而且还承载着家长、社会与用人单位的利益,因此,学生是高校重要的利益相关者。本文的创新之处是选取利益相关者理论这样一个全新的视角来研究高校学生参与权,为解释和探究学生参与权的问题与路径找一个新的范式,更有助于在实践中解决问题。在充分收集资料的基础上,运用文献法、比较法等,按照问题的提出、问题的具体分析及问题解决的思路进行了研究。文章的主要内容为:利益相关者视角下的高校学生参与权的相关内容、利益相关者视角下高校学生的利益诉求及目前我国高校学生参与权存在的问题和原因解析,落脚点是利益相关者视角下高校学生参与权的实现路径,高校学生参与权的落实是有理论依据与符合现实需要的;同时结合高校学生的实际情况,得出了学生的参与权是有限度的结论,文章结语部分就学生参与的范围与参与的目的等问题上进行了说明。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern social politics and economy and the improvement of citizen's participation consciousness, the participation enthusiasm of contemporary college students is increasing day by day. The cooperation, participation and democratic sharing of various stakeholders are the requirements of the times for the development of higher education management. Traditionally, the two main power subjects of colleges and universities are the power of administrative personnel and the power of teachers, so the power of students is obscured. However, the educational activities in colleges and universities usually need these three main bodies-administrative managers (responsible for all the management activities in colleges and universities, teachers and students) to complete, contemporary college students as adults, They have the ability to participate in certain school management activities. With the continuous acceleration of the process of democratic management in colleges and universities, the traditional management system in colleges and universities has gradually moved from centralization to decentralization. From manipulation to service. The outline of the National medium- and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan 2010-2020 requires colleges and universities to reform the management system. College students should have a certain democratic and equal right to participate. Therefore, students are no longer just the recipients of school management activities, and school management should not only be the special power of managers and teachers. Colleges and universities are a typical stakeholder organization, each relevant stakeholders act on the school. Higher education in China has entered the stage of popularization, the number of college students is increasing, students are the main consumers of the school. And it also carries the interests of parents, society and employers. Therefore, students are important stakeholders in colleges and universities. The innovation of this paper is to select a new perspective of stakeholder theory to study the participation rights of college students. In order to find a new paradigm for explaining and exploring the problem and path of students' right to participate, it is more helpful to solve the problem in practice. The main contents of this paper are as follows: the relevant contents of the participation right of college students from the perspective of stakeholders, From the perspective of stakeholders, the interests of college students and the problems and causes of the right to participate in college students in our country are analyzed, which is the way to realize the right of participation of college students from the perspective of stakeholders. The implementation of the right to participate in college students is theoretically based and in line with the practical needs. At the same time, combined with the actual situation of college students, it is concluded that the right of participation of students is limited. The conclusion of the article explains the scope and purpose of students' participation.


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