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发布时间:2018-03-30 14:22

  本文选题:绩效评价 切入点:民办高校 出处:《河北大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在当前的新形势下,企业面临日益激烈的市场竞争。经济的发展依靠人才,人才是企业竞争的关键。培养高素质的人才是高校的使命,为实现教育质量的提高,高校越来越重视管理水平和核心竞争力的提高,教师队伍的建设和稳定是高校内部管理的重点,教师的绩效管理成为保障教学质量、推进科学化管理的重中之重。 我国的民办高校在市场经济中发展了30多年,已经成为高等教育的重要组成部分,有效的充实了我国的高等教育资源,为社会经济发展做出了巨大贡献。近年来民办高校发展迅速,伴随着一些民办高校的转型升级,对自身管理提出了更高的要求。为了应对来自公办院校、独立学院、各种培训机构的激烈竞争,也为了自身的长远发展,民办高校必须用先进的商场上的优势理论武装自己。 河北KJ学院是具有颁发国家承认学历资格的普通全日制高校,也是所在地区民办高校的佼佼者,注重通过提高办学质量来赢得社会的广泛认可。随着规模等硬件资源的充实,学院也逐渐走向内涵式发展的道路。当前学院对教师的绩效管理基本按照公办院校的模式,评价体系存在的一些问题对学院发展的威胁已经凸显。本文利用风靡全球的战略业绩评价工具——平衡计分卡,针对学院教师绩效评价中存在的问题以及学院的发展现状,因地制宜建立了一套科学实用的评价体系。基于平衡计分卡的优势,本文首先开发了学院战略地图,然后在学院使命和战略目标的指导下,,建立学院、系部、教师三个层面的平衡计分卡,将各级指标层层分解并保证评价指标间的因果联系,利用层次分析法赋予各指标权重,形成新型绩效评价指标体系。最后提出河北KJ学院教师绩效评价体系建立和实施的保障措施,通过在全院贯彻先进的绩效管理思想、完善相关政策、加强反馈和沟通等措施,切实提高教师绩效和教育质量,实现学院办学实力的提升,更好的服务社会经济。本文针对河北KJ学院教师绩效评价体系的研究,也可以为其他民办高校和公办院校的绩效管理提供借鉴。
[Abstract]:Under the current new situation, enterprises are facing increasingly fierce market competition. The development of economy depends on talents, and talent is the key of enterprise competition. It is the mission of colleges and universities to cultivate high-quality talents, in order to improve the quality of education. Colleges and universities pay more and more attention to the improvement of management level and core competitiveness. The construction and stability of teachers' team is the focus of internal management in colleges and universities. The performance management of teachers has become the most important part in guaranteeing teaching quality and promoting scientific management. Private colleges and universities in China have developed for more than 30 years in the market economy, and have become an important part of higher education, effectively enriching the resources of higher education in our country. In recent years, private colleges and universities have developed rapidly. With the transformation and upgrading of some private universities, they have put forward higher requirements for their own management. With the fierce competition of various training institutions, and for their long-term development, private colleges and universities must arm themselves with the advantage theory of advanced shopping malls. Hebei KJ College is an ordinary full-time university with the qualification of state recognition, and is also a leader of private colleges and universities in the region. It pays attention to winning wide social recognition by improving the quality of running a school. With the development of hardware resources such as scale, At present, the performance management of teachers in colleges is basically in accordance with the pattern of public colleges. Some problems in the evaluation system have become more and more serious to the development of the college. This paper uses the global strategy performance evaluation tool-balanced scorecard, aiming at the problems existing in the evaluation of college teachers' performance and the present situation of the development of the college. A set of scientific and practical evaluation system has been established according to local conditions. Based on the advantages of balanced scorecard, this paper first develops the strategic map of the college, then, under the guidance of the mission and strategic objectives of the college, establishes the department of the college and department. The balanced scorecard of teachers at three levels decomposes all levels of indicators layer by layer and assures the causal relationship between the evaluation indexes, and gives weight to each index by AHP. Finally, the paper puts forward the safeguard measures for the establishment and implementation of the performance evaluation system of teachers in Hebei KJ College, through the implementation of advanced performance management ideas, the improvement of relevant policies, and the strengthening of feedback and communication in the whole hospital. To improve teachers' performance and quality of education, to improve the strength of running schools, and to better serve the social economy. This paper studies the evaluation system of teachers' performance in Hebei KJ College. It can also provide reference for the performance management of other private colleges and universities.


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