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发布时间:2018-03-30 18:31

  本文选题:教学服务型大学 切入点:课程 出处:《黑龙江科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:课程是教学活动中最基本单元,直接影响着教学目标的实现。高校课程设置是最根本的任务,课程结构调整是更高的追求,直接关系到大学的发展方向,在这个过程中,政府和大学应引起普遍重视,确保教育的质量和学校的办学效益。伴随着我国实行的扩招以及我国加入WTO,我国高校急速发展和壮大,课程设置和课程结构问题就更为明显了。目前,全国各地的许多高校都在积极创建教学服务型大学,课程如何来设置以及课程结构如何来调整,才能适应教学服务型大学人才培养目标的实现以及自身发展的需要,有着较为实际的研究价值和意义。如何科学合理地设置课程,适时有效地调整课程结构,是提高教学服务型大学人才培养质量的重要保证,同时也是教学服务型大学提高办学质量和整体实力的重要保证。 本文运用高等教育认知论、高等教育政治论及高等教育系统论等相关理论,对教学服务型大学课程设置与结构现状进行分析,采用历史文献研究法、比较研究法和实证调查研究法,总结归纳出当前课程设置与课程结构布局中存在的问题,通过对存在的问题进行分析,最后提出课程设置与结构调整的策略,并附以相应实证,说明所提策略的可行性。通过本论文的研究旨在为教学服务型大学如何定位及教学服务型大学如何建设和发展提供一些有益参考。
[Abstract]:Curriculum is the most basic unit in teaching activities, which has a direct impact on the realization of teaching objectives. The curriculum setup in colleges and universities is the most fundamental task, and the curriculum structure adjustment is a higher pursuit, which is directly related to the development direction of the university. In this process, The government and universities should pay more attention to ensure the quality of education and the efficiency of running schools. With the expansion of enrollment and China's entry into WTO, colleges and universities in our country have developed rapidly. The problems of curriculum setup and curriculum structure are even more obvious. At present, many colleges and universities throughout the country are actively establishing teaching-service-oriented universities, how to set up courses and how to adjust the structure of courses. It has practical research value and significance to meet the goal of cultivating talents and the needs of its own development. How to set up the curriculum scientifically and reasonably, and adjust the structure of the course in a timely and effective manner, can meet the needs of the cultivation of talents in the teaching service type university. It is an important guarantee to improve the quality of personnel training in teaching service universities, and also to improve the quality and overall strength of teaching service universities. Based on the theories of cognition of higher education, politics of higher education and system theory of higher education, this paper analyzes the present situation of curriculum design and structure of teaching service university, and adopts the method of historical literature research. By comparing the research method with the empirical investigation method, the paper summarizes the existing problems in the curriculum design and curriculum structure layout. Through the analysis of the existing problems, the strategies of curriculum design and structure adjustment are put forward, and the corresponding empirical results are given. The purpose of this paper is to provide some useful references for the orientation of the teaching service university and the construction and development of the teaching service university.


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