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发布时间:2018-03-31 02:12

  本文选题:高校 切入点:管理者 出处:《河北大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校管理者“双肩挑”现象是一种形象化的说法,意指我国教育管理领域中存在的一种较为普遍的现象,即,高校管理人员同时兼任管理角色和教学科研角色双重身份的任职现象。这种任职模式一人二任,精简用人,两种角色相互直通,在降低管理成本、沟通职能联系,助推我国高校管理与教学科研协同开展中发挥着重要作用。,但与此同时,随着大学组织的巨型化发展以及管理与教学科研专业化程度的不断提高,特别是在学术权力与行政权力的矛盾日渐突出、高校极端行政化日益加剧和学术腐败现象愈演愈烈的情况下,高校管理者“双肩挑”任职模式的合理合法有效性越来越受到人们质疑,成为教育学术界和实践领域日益关注的现实问题。 本文运用行政管理学和社会学的组织理论与角色理论,对我国高校管理者“双肩挑”现象进行了较为系统完整的探讨。论文在对“双肩挑”概念与相关理论进行科学界定与撮要的基础上,对我国高校管理者“双肩挑”任职模式的历史沿革和基本现状进行了简要的考察,进而充分地揭示出“双肩挑”任职模式的正负效应,坦率指出其负面效应日益突出的严峻现实。深入分析了导致“双肩挑”任职模式在我国普遍存在及其负面效应日渐突出的主要成因,明确指出封建“官本位”文化的长期浸淫,以及我国高校行政权力过度集中的深刻影响。在此基础上,论文结合我国国情指出,即刻摒弃“双肩挑”任职模式并不现实,应扬长避短,对“双肩挑”模式进行精简改革、优化提升,逐步过渡到“学术本位”的专业化教育职员制模式。为此,论文建构设计:逐步缩减“双肩挑”职位设置数量,削减“双肩挑”职位的行政事务负担与权力含量,突出其学术示范主导职责与权能;科学选拔任用学术主导型“双肩挑”干部;严格区分和规范“双肩挑”型干部的行政与学术权力的边界与权重;对行政权力进行科学定性定位;彰显和突出“双肩挑”职位的学术权力的本体价值。
[Abstract]:The phenomenon of "double shouldering" of university administrators is a visual expression, which means that there is a relatively common phenomenon in the field of education management in our country, that is, This kind of service mode is one person and two people, the two roles are directly connected with each other, which can reduce the cost of management and communicate with each other. It plays an important role in the coordinated development of university management and teaching and scientific research in China, but at the same time, with the development of university organization and the development of management and teaching and research specialization, the degree of specialization of management and teaching and research continues to improve. Especially when the contradiction between academic power and administrative power is becoming more and more prominent, the extreme administration in colleges and universities is becoming more and more serious, and the phenomenon of academic corruption is becoming more and more serious. The reasonable and legal validity of the "double shoulders" model of university administrators is being questioned more and more, which has become an increasingly concerned practical issue in the academic and practical fields of education. This paper applies the organizational theory and role theory of administrative management and sociology. This paper makes a systematic and complete discussion on the phenomenon of "double shoulder picking" of university administrators in China. On the basis of the scientific definition and summary of the concept and related theories of "double shoulder pick", This paper makes a brief investigation on the historical evolution and basic present situation of the "double shoulder-picking" service mode of university administrators in China, and then fully reveals the positive and negative effects of the "double-shouldered" service mode. Frankly pointing out the severe reality that its negative effect is becoming more and more prominent. This paper deeply analyzes the main causes leading to the widespread existence of "double shouldering" mode and its negative effects in our country, and points out clearly the long-term immersion of feudal "official standard" culture. And the profound influence of excessive concentration of administrative power in colleges and universities in our country. On the basis of this, the paper points out that it is not realistic to immediately abandon the mode of "double shoulder-picking", and should take advantage of advantages and circumvent weaknesses, and reform the mode of "double shoulder-picking". Therefore, the thesis constructs the design: gradually reducing the number of "double-shouldered" positions, reducing the burden of administrative affairs and power content of "double-shouldered" positions. It emphasizes its leading duty and power of academic demonstration, scientifically selects and appoints "double-shouldered" cadres of academically dominant type, strictly distinguishes and standardizes the boundary and weight of administrative and academic power of "double-shouldered" cadres; The scientific orientation of administrative power and the Noumenon value of academic power of "double shoulders" are highlighted.


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