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发布时间:2018-03-31 23:10

  本文选题:高校后勤 切入点:项目化管理 出处:《东北石油大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校后勤部门作为我国高等院校的重要组成部分,为我国高等教育的发展提供了重要保障。然而,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善以及我国高等教育改革发展的不断深入,传统的高校后勤管理模式已不适应我国高等教育发展的要求。为此,我国高校理论界对高校后勤改革以及管理创新进行了大量的研究工作,各高校也在借鉴发达国家先进经验的基础上,不断探索新形势下的后勤管理模式,不断进行后勤管理改革创新;这些理论研究与实践探索对我国高校后勤改革具有重要意义,并且已经取得了良好的效果。然而,纵观理论研究和现实探索,主要集中在高校后勤社会化、市场化改革方面,同时这样的改革也显现出不少问题。当前,项目管理理论与方法发展迅速,应用广泛,现代项目管理正在成为现代社会中主要的管理领域。因此,本文试图从项目管理的视角,将项目管理理论与方法,引入高校后勤管理之中,研究高校后勤项目化管理模式的可行性及其模式设计与应用问题。 本文以我国高校后勤为对象,从项目管理的视角,研究高校后勤项目化管理模式及其实施问题。首先对国内外高校后勤管理研究文献进行了综述评价,发现研究高校后勤社会化改革的较多,而研究项目化管理的很少;其次,对高校后勤项目化管理的理论进行了综述,厘清了相关概念和理论体系,为后续研究奠定理论基础;第三,在分析了我国高校后勤管理模式现状及其存在问题的基础上,分析了高校后勤项目化管理的必要性和可行性;第四,对高校后勤项目化管理模式及其行为主体分析的基础上,设计了高校后勤项目化管理组织结构及其模型,并建立了高校后勤项目化管理评价指标体系及其模型,并进行了模拟验证;最后,从高校后勤项目化管理模式应用可能遇到的问题以及实施的条件与策略方面,研究了高校后勤项目化管理模式的应用。研究表明,高校后勤项目化管理模式是可行的,该研究不仅具有理论价值,而且也具有现实应用价值。
[Abstract]:As an important part of colleges and universities in China, the logistics department of colleges and universities provides an important guarantee for the development of higher education in China. With the continuous improvement of the socialist market economy system and the deepening of the reform and development of higher education in China, the traditional logistics management mode in colleges and universities has not been able to meet the requirements of the development of higher education in China. The academic circle of colleges and universities in our country has carried out a lot of research work on the logistics reform and management innovation of colleges and universities. On the basis of drawing lessons from the advanced experiences of developed countries, each university has been exploring the logistics management mode under the new situation. These theoretical and practical researches are of great significance to the logistics reform of colleges and universities in our country, and have achieved good results. However, throughout the theoretical research and practical exploration, This reform mainly focuses on the socialization and marketization of logistics in colleges and universities. At the same time, many problems have emerged in such reforms. At present, the theory and methods of project management are developing rapidly and are widely used. Modern project management is becoming the main management field in modern society. Therefore, this paper attempts to introduce the theory and method of project management into the logistics management of colleges and universities from the perspective of project management. This paper studies the feasibility, design and application of the project management model of logistics in colleges and universities. In this paper, from the perspective of project management, this paper studies the project management model and its implementation of university logistics in China. Firstly, the paper summarizes and evaluates the research literature of logistics management in colleges and universities both at home and abroad. It is found that there are more researches on the reform of logistics socialization in colleges and universities, but less on project management. Secondly, the theory of project management in colleges and universities is summarized, and the relevant concepts and theoretical system are clarified, which will lay a theoretical foundation for further research. Thirdly, on the basis of analyzing the present situation and existing problems of the logistics management mode in colleges and universities in China, the necessity and feasibility of the project management of university logistics are analyzed. Based on the analysis of university logistics project management mode and its behavior subject, this paper designs the organizational structure and model of university logistics project management, and establishes the evaluation index system and model of university logistics project management. Finally, the application of university logistics project management model is studied from the aspects of the problems that may be encountered in the application of the university logistics project management model, as well as the implementation conditions and strategies. The project management model of university logistics is feasible. This research has not only theoretical value, but also practical application value.


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