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发布时间:2018-03-31 23:04

  本文选题:高等学校 切入点:教学督导 出处:《吉林大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The teaching supervision of colleges and universities in our country has been gradually established and developed since the middle of 1990s. Up to now, there have been nearly 20 years of history in institutions of higher learning. There are many scholars in government educational management institutions and higher education research institutions who have carried out relevant research on teaching supervision in colleges and universities. From the content and scope of their research, it involves the orientation and function, system and system of teaching supervision. Some valuable research results have been obtained on the issues of operating mechanism and team building. In practice, teaching supervision in colleges and universities has spread throughout almost all colleges and universities. Increasingly, colleges and universities are becoming an indispensable force in teaching quality management and improving the quality of personnel training. However, from the overall analysis, especially compared with the supervision of basic education, The work of teaching supervision in colleges and universities in our country is still in its infancy. The state has not yet issued clear legal documents on the supervision of colleges and universities, the connotation and duties of supervision in colleges and universities are not clear, and the basic norms for setting up institutions and operating mechanisms are missing. These problems have seriously affected the normal development of teaching supervision in colleges and universities. China is a big country in higher education, but not a powerful country in higher education. After the reform and opening up, the development of higher education in our country has been extended by extension. The core of the promotion of connotation is to improve the quality of teaching, which is the eternal theme of educational development strategy, and is a magic weapon for the survival and development of colleges and universities in the market competition. It is also the only way to build our country into a powerful country in higher education. Improving teaching quality is a systematic project involving quality standards and quality management. In the internal management system of most colleges and universities in our country, Teaching supervision is the main force to carry out effective management of teaching quality in colleges and universities. It plays a very important role in supervising and strengthening the teaching quality. Firstly, this paper systematically combs the related research of teaching supervision in colleges and universities at home and abroad, from the concept, the theoretical basis, the orientation, the function, This paper deeply excavates and analyzes the connotation of teaching supervision in colleges and universities from the aspects of function, expounds the importance of the existence of teaching supervision in colleges and universities, and points out that it is the need of the development of popularization and the supervision of teaching quality, and it is the decision-making of colleges and universities. The need to implement and monitor the three systems, at the same time, the need to communicate and coordinate the relationship among the departments of teaching administration, teachers and students, on this basis, through the investigation and analysis of the current situation of teaching supervision in colleges and universities, It is revealed that the main problems are: the theoretical research on teaching supervision in colleges and universities is not deep enough, the supervision system is not perfect, the supervision mode is single, and the construction of supervision team is not paid attention to, and the causes are analyzed. Focusing closely on the present situation of teaching supervision in colleges and universities, the corresponding countermeasures are put forward to solve the problems: first, to strengthen the research of supervision, to raise the theoretical level; second, to strengthen the construction of the system and legal system, and to establish the position of supervision; third, to optimize the work mode, The fourth is to perfect the construction of the team to ensure the quality of supervision. This paper hopes to further strengthen the study of college supervision, further strengthen the monitoring of teaching quality and improve the quality of teaching reference and reference.


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