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发布时间:2018-04-01 01:27

  本文选题:印度尼西亚 切入点:高等教育 出处:《厦门大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在全球化的影响下,为了促进国家经济发展,满足国内社会发展对高等教育日益增加的需求,印尼政府对高等教育的改革努力自独立起便从未中断过,虽然间或因国内政局不稳,经济危机而被搁置。独立以来,印尼政府推出了一系列高等教育改革方案,如几个高等教育的长期发展规划;并陆续出台了相关的高等教育法规,如去年刚通过的2012年印尼《高等教育法》。在这些政策和法规的指导下,印尼高等教育发生了巨大的改变:高等教育的规模迅速扩张,尤其是私立院校。其速度增长之快,在世界高等教育发展史上也是少见的;为了改善集权式教育体系带来的内部管理效率低下,科研动力不足,大学缺乏公众问责性等问题,印尼政府引进了由质量、自治、问责、认证和评估五个方面组成的高等教育管理新范式。目前印尼高等教育仍面临着诸多挑战,如私立高等教育的质量问题;资金不足问题;《贸易服务总协定》框架下高等教育服务存在的风险问题;教育公平问题;高等教育与经济发展的相关性问题等。 本文主要研究了印尼独立以来高等教育的发展及变革。论文的内容包括以下几个方面:第一部分概述印尼高等教育的发展历程。在此基础上,第二部分分析了印尼高等教育发展的现状、特点及存在的问题。第三部分分别论述了印尼高等教育的几个重要的变革。第四部分在此基础上总结出印尼高等教育发展的经验及启示,并对其未来发展趋势进行展望。 本研究主要结论如下:第一,印尼现代高等教育能在短时间内迅速崛起,与政府适时地推行教育改革及相关政策法律的保障有关;第二,分权和自治的管理体制改革缓解了政府的财政压力,提高了整个高等教育系统的效率,但也导致了印尼高等教育进一步的市场化和私有化,加剧了社会不公;第三,伊斯兰高等教育将进一步与世俗高等教育融合。
[Abstract]:Under the influence of globalization, in order to promote the economic development of the country and to meet the increasing demand for higher education in the country's social development, the reform efforts of the Indonesian Government on higher education have never ceased since its independence.Although occasionally because of domestic political instability, economic crisis has been shelved.Since independence, the Indonesian government has launched a series of higher education reform programs, such as several long-term plans for the development of higher education, and has successively introduced relevant higher education regulations, such as the 2012 higher Education Law of Indonesia, which was passed last year.Under the guidance of these policies and regulations, Indonesia's higher education has undergone tremendous changes: the scale of higher education, especially private institutions, has expanded rapidly.Its rapid growth is rare in the history of higher education in the world. In order to improve the internal management efficiency, lack of motivation for scientific research and lack of public accountability of universities and other problems brought about by the centralized education system,The Indonesian government has introduced a new paradigm of higher education management consisting of quality, autonomy, accountability, certification and evaluation.At present, Indonesia's higher education still faces many challenges, such as the quality of private higher education, the shortage of funds, the risk of higher education service under the General Agreement on Trade and Services, the problem of educational equity, and the problems of education equity.The correlation between higher education and economic development and so on.This paper mainly studies the development and reform of higher education since Indonesia's independence.The content of this paper includes the following aspects: the first part summarizes the development of higher education in Indonesia.On this basis, the second part analyzes the current situation, characteristics and existing problems of Indonesia's higher education development.The third part discusses several important changes of higher education in Indonesia.The fourth part summarizes the experience and enlightenment of Indonesia's higher education development, and prospects its future development trend.The main conclusions of this study are as follows: first, the rapid rise of modern higher education in Indonesia in a short time is related to the timely implementation of educational reform and the protection of relevant policies and laws by the government; second,The reform of the decentralized and autonomous management system has eased the financial pressure on the government and improved the efficiency of the entire higher education system, but it has also led to the further marketization and privatization of higher education in Indonesia, thus exacerbating social injustice; third,Islamic higher education will further integrate with secular higher education.


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