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发布时间:2018-04-01 02:00

  本文选题:高校 切入点:中层领导干部 出处:《河北大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高等院校作为我国教育事业的主力军,在我国教育事业发展中起着举足轻重的作用。高等院校在积极发展教育事业的同时,还要不断推进高校的科研创新,将科研成果产业化,,提高我国在全球化市场当中的竞争力。当前,我国高校面临着改革、发展、稳定、创新等多方面的压力与挑战,如何在稳定中求发展,在改革中求创新,关键在于高校中层领导干部能否很好地发挥桥梁和管理作用。运用科学的方法、采用合理的标准和程序,建立高校中层领导干部的胜任特征模型,对中层领导干部是否胜任岗位工作、是否尽职尽责、是否发挥了最大的效用等方面进行客观、准确地评价,有利于提高中层领导干部队伍素质建设,促进选人用人工作的科学化、民主化;有利于为高校建立生机勃勃的中层领导干部团队;有利于激励中层领导干部奋发向上、积极进取,充分发挥他们的主观能动性。 本研究从高校中层领导干部胜任力的现状、存在的问题、国内外研究现状、高校中层领导干部应该具备的胜任特征等方面出发,以河北省的十所高校为例,采用文献分析法、问卷调查法、行为事件访谈法、专家评分法等方法,自底向上地构建了高校中层领导干部胜任特征模型,主要研究步骤为:首先制定绩效标准、确立效标样本(被试106位),然后对被试进行了关键行为事件访谈(BEI),辅之以开放式问卷调查,并对获取的访谈和调查数据(106份,共计5万字)进行了编码、提取高校中层干部胜任特征75项,将这75项分为十个主题,然后采用德尔菲专家预测方法(三轮),对这十项胜任特征进行了类属分析,得出高校中层领导干部六维度模型结构,其具体维度分别是:学习创新能力、学术素质、组织协调沟通能力、思想道德素质,团队合作精神、责任心与服务意识;并对所构建的胜任模型进行了效度检验,具有较好的内容效度和结构效度。在模型建立后,分析其在高校中层领导干部选拔和绩效考核中的可应用性,为我国高校中层领导干部的选拔、任用、培养、科学评价等方面提供依据和测量工具,使我国高校中层领导干部的选拔、评价从传统的注重学历、职称、经历的模式转向依靠综合胜任特征模型的新模式,创新我国高校中层管理干部的选拔、评价观念。
[Abstract]:Colleges and universities, as the main force of our country's education, play an important role in the development of our country's educational undertakings. As well as actively developing educational undertakings, colleges and universities should constantly promote scientific research innovation in colleges and universities, and industrialize scientific research achievements. At present, colleges and universities in China are facing the pressure and challenges of reform, development, stability, innovation, etc. How to seek development in the process of stability, and innovation in the course of reform, The key lies in whether the middle-level leading cadres in colleges and universities can play a good role in bridge and management. By using scientific methods and adopting reasonable standards and procedures, the competency model of middle-level leading cadres in colleges and universities can be established. An objective and accurate evaluation of whether the middle-level leading cadres are competent in their posts, whether they have fulfilled their duties, and whether they have played the greatest role is conducive to improving the quality of the ranks of the middle-level leading cadres. To promote the scientific and democratic selection of personnel; to establish a vibrant team of middle-level leading cadres for colleges and universities; to encourage middle-level leading cadres to work hard, to make positive progress, and to give full play to their subjective initiative. This study starts from the current situation, existing problems, domestic and international research status of the middle level leading cadres in colleges and universities, and the competency characteristics that the middle leading cadres in colleges and universities should possess, taking ten universities in Hebei Province as an example, using the literature analysis method. Questionnaire survey method, behavior event interview method, expert scoring method and so on, build up the competency model of middle level leading cadres from bottom up. The main research steps are as follows: first, establish the performance standard. A sample was established (106 participants were selected, then the key behavioral events were interviewed, supplemented by an open questionnaire survey, and 106 interviews and survey data were obtained, totaling 50,000 words). This paper extracts 75 items of competency of middle level cadres in colleges and universities, divides them into ten topics, and then adopts Delphi expert prediction method (three rounds, carries on the category analysis to these ten competency characteristics, obtains the six dimensional model structure of the middle level leading cadres of colleges and universities. The specific dimensions are: learning and innovation ability, academic quality, organization and coordination ability, moral quality, team spirit, responsibility and service consciousness, and the validity of the competency model is tested. It has good content validity and structural validity. After the establishment of the model, the application of the model in the selection, appointment and training of middle level leading cadres in colleges and universities is analyzed. Scientific evaluation and other aspects provide the basis and measurement tools to make the selection of middle level leading cadres in colleges and universities in our country change from the traditional mode of focusing on academic qualifications, titles and experiences to a new model that relies on the comprehensive competency model. To innovate the selection and evaluation of middle management cadres in colleges and universities in China.


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