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发布时间:2018-04-01 06:33

  本文选题:江苏省民办高等教育 切入点:发展困境 出处:《南京理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:江苏提出“高教强省”的发展战略,要实现这一战略,作为高等教育重要组成部分的民办高等教育,起着很重要的作用。因此不仅要大力发展公办高校,也应当重视和发展民办高校,只有这样才能使江苏真正成为人才培养大省,成为全国人才高地。江苏民办高校总量在全国前列,但质量与兄弟省份相比,差距较大。目前民办高等教育发展的竞争非常激烈,为了能更好的促进其健康发展,提升办学质量,在未来全国民办高等教育发展中谋得一席之地,江苏政府应当积极发挥自身作用,完善现有的法律法规,消除存在的歧视性政策,引导和支持民办高校发展。 本文首先对公共产品理论、高等教育成本分担理论进行阐述,来论证政府支持民办高等教育发展的必要性,其次对搜集文献和实地调研结果分析,提出了江苏民办高等教育发展过程中存在的主要困境,分五个方面:生源困境、办学经费困境、产权困境、管理困境、师资困境,对出现困境原因进行了一定的剖析,然后在对北京、陕西、江西三个兄弟省份民办教育政策对比分析,比较借鉴美国与日本两国支持私立高等教育政策基础上,从产权明晰,分类管理、经费支持、师资队伍保障、生源支持、联合办学,建立退出机制等方面提出了支持民办高等教育的相关政策构想。
[Abstract]:Jiangsu has put forward the development strategy of "strengthening the province with higher education". To realize this strategy, private higher education, as an important part of higher education, plays an important role. We should also attach importance to and develop private colleges and universities. Only in this way can Jiangsu become a big province of talent training and become the highland of talent in the whole country. The total number of private colleges and universities in Jiangsu is in the forefront of the country, but the quality is compared with that of the brotherly provinces. The gap is large. At present, the competition for the development of private higher education is very fierce. In order to better promote its healthy development and improve the quality of running a school, it will find a place in the future development of private higher education throughout the country. The government of Jiangsu should play an active role in perfecting the existing laws and regulations, eliminating the existing discriminatory policies, and guiding and supporting the development of private colleges and universities. Firstly, this paper expounds the theory of public goods and the theory of cost sharing of higher education to demonstrate the necessity of government supporting the development of private higher education. This paper puts forward the main difficulties in the development of private higher education in Jiangsu Province, which are divided into five aspects: the dilemma of student resources, the dilemma of running school funds, the dilemma of property rights, the dilemma of management, the dilemma of teachers, and the analysis of the reasons for the difficulties. Then, by comparing and analyzing the private education policies of three brotherly provinces of Beijing, Shaanxi and Jiangxi, and drawing lessons from the policies of the United States and Japan to support private higher education, and on the basis of clear property rights, classified management, financial support, and the guarantee of the teaching staff, This paper puts forward the relevant policy ideas of supporting private higher education from the aspects of student support, joint education, and the establishment of withdrawal mechanism.


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