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发布时间:2018-04-01 08:17

  本文选题:改革开放 切入点:流行音乐 出处:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国的政治、经济、文化都发生了巨大的变化,中国的流行音乐随着改革开放的步伐快速的发展起来。作为一种流行的文化,以其独有的特点受到了大学生的喜爱和追随。随着时代的变迁,流行音乐一方面反映出了大学生的价值取向的变化,另一方面影响着大学生的价值取向。研究流行音乐对大学生的影响规律在大学生思想政治教育方面有着重要的意义。所以本文以时间为线索,描述改革开放以来流行音乐与大学生价值取向的变迁,找到流行音乐影响大学生价值取向的规律,合理利用流行音乐为大学生思想政治教育提供有效的方法和途径。 文章主干的第一部分是对流行音乐和大学生价值取向相关概念的界定和两者关系的研究。第二部分是对研究流行音乐在改革开放30年以来的发展脉络和主要特点进行分析和整理。按流行音乐的几个主要发展阶段进行划分:第一,改革开放初期,内地流行音乐的复苏;第二,,“西北风”歌曲刮起,全国上下一片“红”;第三,民谣音乐的兴起,多种音乐交织在一起的时代;第四,跨世纪时期,歌颂祖国新篇章;第五,信息时代,网络歌曲的大量兴起,并在每个阶段用典型的音乐说明大学生在该时期的价值取向的主要特点和变化过程。第三部分通过调查问卷和深度访谈的方式对两者的共同点进行分析比对,找到流行音乐影响大学生价值取向的积极影响和消极影响;最后,通过对比分析,给出流行音乐在大学生思想政治教育方面的一些建议。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, great changes have taken place in politics, economy and culture in China, and pop music in China has developed rapidly with the pace of reform and opening up.As a popular culture, it is loved and followed by college students with its unique characteristics.With the change of times, pop music reflects the change of value orientation of college students on the one hand, and affects the value orientation of college students on the other.It is of great significance to study the influence of pop music on college students' ideological and political education.Therefore, this paper takes time as a clue to describe the changes of popular music and the value orientation of college students since the reform and opening up, and find out the law that pop music affects the value orientation of college students.Rational use of pop music provides effective ways and means for ideological and political education of college students.The first part of this paper is about the definition and relationship between pop music and college students' value orientation.The second part analyzes the development and main characteristics of pop music since the reform and opening up 30 years ago.It is divided according to several major stages of the development of pop music: first, the revival of mainland pop music in the early stage of reform and opening up; second, the rise of "northwest wind" songs and the rise of "red" music throughout the country; and thirdly, the rise of folk music.An era in which many kinds of music are intertwined; fourth, a new chapter in praise of the motherland in the cross-century period; and fifthly, the rise of a large number of online songs in the information age,In each stage, typical music is used to explain the main characteristics and changing process of the value orientation of college students in this period.The third part through the questionnaire and in-depth interviews to analyze and compare their common points, find out the positive and negative impact of pop music on the value orientation of college students; finally, through comparative analysis,Some suggestions of pop music in ideological and political education of college students are given.


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