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发布时间:2018-04-01 08:43

  本文选题:素质 切入点:高校辅导员专业素质 出处:《成都理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生是祖国的未来和民族的希望,做好大学生思想政治教育工作是关系到我国人才培养和社会主义兴衰的重大问题,是党和国家的重大课题,是高等教育工作者的紧迫任务。辅导员作为高校教师队伍中的一个特殊群体,处在学生思想政治教育工作的第一线,,也处在高校对学生日常管理的前沿,是保证高等教育持续健康发展不可缺少的重要力量。因此,必须十分重视对这支队伍素质的培养。近年,随着辅导员专业化建设的提出,辅导员的角色有了新的定位,这也对辅导员所需要具备的专业素质提出了新的要求。高校辅导员专业素质的建设有助于提高辅导员的工作胜任力,更好地完成岗位任务。 全文分为五个部分: 第一部分引言阐明培养高校辅导员专业素质的理论意义和现实意义,表明选题的缘由和目的。同时,进行了国内外研究状况的介绍、研究思路和研究方法的交代,并总结了本文的难点和创新之处。 第二部分是对高校辅导员专业素质相关概念进行了界定,并且阐述了高校辅导员专业素质培养的相关理论——结构功能理论和人力资源管理胜任力理论。 第三部分是在分析专业化发展背景下高校辅导员专业素质的现实状态。结合结构功能理论,从适应专业化要求的知识结构、完成辅导员的工作目标的业务能力以及潜在的道德素质和心理素质等方面分析专业化发展中的高校辅导员专业素质的构成;阐述了高校辅导员专业素质培养取得的成果以及存在的不足,并归纳出了辅导员专业素质的发展趋势。 第四部分是在辅导员专业化的大背景下,结合专业化对辅导员专业素质提出的要求以及辅导员专业素质发展的趋势,制定辅导员不同的职业生涯时间段里的专业素质的培养目标,以及适应高校辅导员发展趋势的培养原则。 第五部分则是将胜任力理论引入辅导员专业素质的培养研究中,从个体特征、行为特征、情景条件三个维度探索高校辅导员专业素质的培养对策。个体职业特征培养主要是包括辅导员多元知识结构和平衡业务能力的培养;行为特征培养主要是培养辅导员的岗位胜任力;情景条件作为辅导员专业素质培养的外在支撑,主要涉及到招聘、培训、考核和管理制度的完善以及良好成长氛围和积极工作环境的营造。
[Abstract]:College students are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. Doing a good job in ideological and political education for college students is a major issue related to the cultivation of talents and the rise and fall of socialism in our country, as well as a major task for the Party and the country. As a special group of teachers in colleges and universities, counselors are at the forefront of the ideological and political education of students, and are also in the forefront of the daily management of students in colleges and universities. It is an indispensable force to ensure the sustained and healthy development of higher education. Therefore, we must attach great importance to the cultivation of the quality of this team. In recent years, with the introduction of the professional construction of counselors, the role of counselors has a new orientation. The construction of professional quality of college counselors is helpful to improve the work competence of counselors and to complete the post tasks better. The full text is divided into five parts:. The first part of the introduction clarifies the theoretical and practical significance of cultivating the professional quality of college counselors, and shows the reason and purpose of the topic. At the same time, it introduces the research situation at home and abroad, explains the research ideas and research methods. And summarizes the difficulties and innovations of this paper. The second part defines the related concepts of college counselors' professional quality, and expounds the related theories of college counselors' professional quality training, namely, the theory of structure and function and the theory of competence in human resource management. The third part is to analyze the reality of college counselors' professional quality under the background of professional development. The professional ability of accomplishing the work goal of counselors and the potential moral quality and psychological quality of college counselors are analyzed in the aspects of professional development of college counselors' professional quality. This paper expounds the achievements and shortcomings in the cultivation of professional qualities of counselors in colleges and universities, and sums up the developing trend of professional qualities of counselors. In the fourth part, under the background of counselors' specialization, combining with the requirement of specialization to counselors' professional quality and the development trend of counselors' professional quality, The training goal of professional quality of counselors in different career periods and the training principles adapting to the development trend of counselors in colleges and universities are formulated. The fifth part is to introduce competency theory into the study of the cultivation of counselors' professional quality, from the individual characteristics, behavioral characteristics, The three dimensions of situational conditions explore the cultivation of college counselors' professional quality. The cultivation of individual professional characteristics mainly includes the cultivation of counselors' multi-knowledge structure and balanced professional ability. The training of behavioral characteristics is mainly to cultivate the post competence of counselors, and the situational conditions, as the external support for the cultivation of counselors' professional quality, mainly involve recruitment and training. Improve the examination and management system and create a good growth atmosphere and a positive working environment.


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