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发布时间:2018-04-01 12:21

  本文选题:理工科院校 切入点:学生教育 出处:《内蒙古科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:人文关怀的核心是以人为本,其本质是尊重人、关怀人、追求人的全面可持续发展。随着高等教育招生规模扩大和就业压力增加,高等教育越来越工具化,直接导致了高等教育过程中教育对学生缺乏人文关怀,这对大学生的全面自由发展以及帮助学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观有许多负面影响。对此,教育主管部门、理论工作者和教育者应该进行反思和检讨。 本文以马克思主义人文关怀论为理论依托,以内蒙古一所普通理工科高等学校为研究对象,采用问卷调查法对理工科院校学生教育中的人文关怀进行了研究。文章以思想政治教育人文关怀为基础,,从理工科院校这一特殊对象出发,对大学生人文关怀的含义、内容以及理工科院校学生教育中人文关怀的特殊性进行了全面阐释,认真分析了理工科院校学生教育中人文关怀的现状及原因,深入探讨了学生教育中实施人文关怀的路径和方法。 除绪论和结论部分外,全文共分五大部分。第一部分为文献综述部分,分别梳理了国内外人文关怀的发展历程和研究现状;第二部分为理工科院校人文关怀的概况部分,阐述人文关怀的概念和内容,以及理工科院校人文关怀的特殊性。第三部分通过从相关文献中总结设计出调查问卷,以一所普通理工科院校学生为样本进行调查,运用SPSS19.0统计软件对样本数据进行信度分析、效度分析、相关性检验、描述分析、差异性分析,然后得出结论,并给出改进指标;第四部分根据数据分析结果,从国家政策、教工队伍、课堂教学、校园环境、传递载体及学生自身人文素质这几个方面总结了理工科院校学生教育中人文关怀缺失的现状及影响因素;第五部分在前面分析的基础上探寻理工科院校学生教育中人文关怀实施的合理路径,主要包括坚持以学生为本,树立人文关怀理念;依托任课教师、辅导员、行政管理人员等教职工来传递人文关怀精神;创新方式方法,利用校园环境、学生社团、网络平台、心理疏导这些载体来实施人文关怀等。
[Abstract]:The core of humanistic care is people-oriented, and its essence is to respect, care for, and pursue the overall sustainable development of human beings. With the expansion of higher education enrollment scale and the increase of employment pressure, higher education is becoming more and more instrumental. This has directly led to the lack of humanistic concern for students in the process of higher education, which has a lot of negative effects on the all-round and free development of college students and on helping students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values. Theorists and educators should reflect and review. Based on the Marxist theory of humanistic concern, this paper takes an ordinary science and engineering university in Inner Mongolia as the research object. Based on the humanistic concern of ideological and political education and the special object of science and engineering colleges, this paper makes a research on the humanistic care of students in science and engineering colleges. The content and the particularity of humanistic care in the education of students in science and engineering colleges are comprehensively explained, and the present situation and reasons of humanistic care in the education of students of science and engineering colleges are carefully analyzed. This paper probes into the ways and methods of carrying out humanistic care in student education. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the full text is divided into five parts. The first part is the literature review part, combing the development process and research status of humanistic care at home and abroad, the second part is the general situation of humanistic care in science and engineering colleges. This paper expounds the concept and content of humanistic care, as well as the particularity of humanistic care in science and engineering colleges. The third part, by summing up and designing a questionnaire from the relevant literature, takes the students of a general science and engineering college as a sample to conduct an investigation. The reliability analysis, validity analysis, correlation test, description analysis, difference analysis of the sample data are carried out by SPSS19.0 statistical software, and then the conclusion is drawn, and the improvement index is given. Teaching staff, classroom teaching, campus environment, transmission carrier and students' own humanistic quality are summarized in the aspects of the lack of humanistic care in the education of students of science and engineering colleges and influencing factors; The fifth part explores the reasonable path of humanistic care in the education of students of science and engineering on the basis of the previous analysis, mainly including adhering to student-oriented, establishing the concept of humanistic care, relying on teachers and counselors. Administrative staff and other teaching staff to transfer the spirit of humanistic care, innovative methods, the use of campus environment, student associations, network platform, psychological dredging these carriers to carry out humanistic care.


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