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发布时间:2018-04-02 00:09

  本文选题:跨文化传播 切入点:传播效果 出处:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:人类任何科学的产生都起源于社会生活中自身的实践需求,跨文化传播也不例外。人类迈进二十一世纪,世界形势发生了许多重大而深刻的变化,各国之间的跨文化传播与交流也必将越来越频繁,各民族文化在彼此的传播、影响的趋势不断增强。对越南而言,越南党和国家将跨文化传播视为越南对外工作的重要组成部分并非常注重它,因此,越南跨文化传播媒体正如雨后春笋般大量涌现。针对《越南画报》对大学生跨文化传播效果的影响因素进行研究对提高跨文化传播效果具有重大的理论与实践意义。本文从传播学的视角切入,以《越南画报》月刊为研究案例,选取了重庆师范大学、重庆医科大学和重庆大学的大学生为调查受众,采用定量与定性相结合的研究方法,结合文献分析、数据统计分析等研究方法,根据重庆大学生的阅读习惯,试图分析《越南画报》内容对重庆市大学生的传播效果,并对影响其传播效果的因素进行了探讨。本文利用SPSS 21.0统计分析软件对279个样本数据进行描述性分析和相关性分析,得出如下结论:(1)重庆大学生经常使用互联网看新闻,其他媒体使用频率比较低;他们阅读的主要目的为了解社会、生活,因为求知欲较强所以他们最看重的是新闻要真实客观报道;(2)重庆大学生对《越南画报》内容的评价比较积极,最喜欢旅游栏目并认为本月刊的最大亮点是生动反映越南文化特色,希望能够读到更多有关越南与中国、越南旅游、越南普通人生活的信息;(3)《越南画报》对重庆大学生的认知、态度、影响仍有限,尚未能够激发大部分大学生受众的行为;(4)《越南画报》内容因素与重庆大学生的认知、态度、行为的关系显著相关,其中真实性、客观性两个维度对学生受众的认知、态度、行为的影响最为显著。
[Abstract]:The emergence of any science of mankind originates from its own practical needs in social life, and cross-cultural communication is no exception. As mankind enters the 21 century, the world situation has undergone many major and profound changes. Cross-cultural communication and communication among countries will certainly become more and more frequent, and the influence of the cultures of all ethnic groups on each other will continue to increase. For Viet Nam, The Vietnamese Party and State regard cross-cultural communication as an important part of Viet Nam's external work and attach great importance to it, therefore, Vietnam's cross-cultural communication media have sprung up in large numbers. The study on the influencing factors of "Vietnam Illustrated" to the effect of cross-cultural communication of college students has great theoretical and practical meaning to improve the effect of cross-cultural communication. From the perspective of communication, Taking the monthly Vietnam Illustrated Journal as a case study, this paper selects the college students of Chongqing normal University, Chongqing Medical University and Chongqing University as the investigation audience, adopts the research method of combining quantitative and qualitative analysis, and combines the literature analysis. According to the reading habits of college students in Chongqing, this paper tries to analyze the transmission effect of the contents of the Vietnam Illustrated News to the college students in Chongqing. This paper makes descriptive analysis and correlation analysis on 279 sample data by using SPSS 21.0 statistical analysis software, and draws the following conclusion: 1) Chongqing college students often use the Internet to watch news. Other media are used less frequently; the main purpose of their reading is to understand society and life. Because they have a strong desire for knowledge, what they value most is that the news should be true and objective.) Chongqing university students' comments on the contents of the Vietnam Illustrated Journal are relatively positive. I like the travel column most and think that the biggest highlight of this month's magazine is to vividly reflect Vietnamese cultural characteristics, hoping to read more information about Vietnam and China, Vietnamese tourism, and the life of ordinary people in Vietnam) "Vietnam Illustrated" about Chongqing University students' cognition. Attitude, the influence is still limited, not yet able to stimulate the behavior of the majority of college students the content of the "Vietnam Illustrated" factors and Chongqing college students' cognition, attitude, behavior of the relationship significantly related, in which the truth, The two dimensions of objectivity have the most significant influence on students' cognition, attitude and behavior.


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