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发布时间:2018-04-01 23:39

  本文选题:高校辅导员 切入点:思想政治教育 出处:《南昌大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:思想政治教育工作是做人的工作,其根本任务是塑造美好心灵、培养健全人格。因此,作为高校思想政治教育工作一线的工作者,在思想政治教育工作中具有重要的地位和价值的辅导员,如何科学运用情感因素开展思想政治教育显得尤为重要,尤其是对于具有丰富个性、思想活跃的大学生。辅导员要成为学生的良师益友,就必须发挥情感的因素,努力通过情感的润物无声来达到教育学生的目的。本论文主要由四个部分组成: 第一部分主要对“情感因素”、“高校辅导员”这些基本概念进行界定。梳理情感因素在高校辅导员思想政治教育中运用的理论研究现状,阐述本研究的研究价值和思路方法。 第二部分阐述了高校辅导员科学运用情感因素开展思想政治教育的重要性,强调了情感因素在思想政治教育中的地位和作用。 第三部分主要阐述了高校辅导员科学运用情感因素开展思想政治教育的现状。分析了当前辅导员运用情感因素开展工作中取得的成绩和存在的问题,并对存在的问题进行了原因分析。 第四部分主要探析了高校辅导员有效运用情感因素开展思想政治教育这一问题并提出了有效性对策。
[Abstract]:Ideological and political education is the work of being a human being, whose fundamental task is to shape a beautiful mind and cultivate a sound personality. Therefore, as a worker in the front line of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, In the ideological and political education work, how to carry out the ideological and political education with emotional factors is especially important, especially for the rich personality, especially for the counselors who have important position and value in the ideological and political education work. Active college students. Counselors to become good teachers and friends of students, we must play the emotional factors, and strive to achieve the purpose of educating students through silent emotional moisturizing. This paper mainly consists of four parts:. The first part mainly defines the basic concepts of "emotional factors" and "college counselors", combs the current situation of theoretical research on the application of affective factors in college counselors' ideological and political education, and expounds the research value and thinking methods of this study. The second part expounds the importance of college counselors scientifically applying emotional factors to carry out ideological and political education, and emphasizes the position and role of emotional factors in ideological and political education. The third part mainly expounds the current situation of college counselors' scientific use of emotional factors to carry out ideological and political education, and analyzes the achievements and problems existing in the current work of college counselors using emotional factors. The causes of the existing problems are analyzed. The fourth part mainly analyzes the effective use of emotional factors to carry out ideological and political education by college counselors and puts forward effective countermeasures.


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