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发布时间:2018-04-02 06:03

  本文选题:民主精神 切入点:思想自由 出处:《广西师范学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在我国近年的不断建设中,硬件设施等各个方面都已经达到甚至超过世界著名大学。但是这对于建设学术水平真正达到一流的大学的需要是不够的,对人才的培养与科研的开展意义也并不是绝对重要。现代大学需要的不仅仅是多少现代化的教学楼、多少公顷的占地面积和多少个校区,需要的是一种独特精神气质的文明成果,她是存在与发展于大学自身,并在此过程中形成的,是科学精神的时代标志和具体凝聚,是整个人类社会文明的高级形式。古今中外,凡是在学术、科研方面取得重大成就的大学,凡是在国际上有重要影响力的一流学府,其共同具备的特征是拥有一批学术科研水平高、有独特思想和独立精神的教师、学生,而庞大的校区、豪华的楼宇反倒不是必须具备的了。所谓“大学者,非有大楼之谓也,乃大师之谓也”,大学是社会优秀知识分子集中探讨问题之地,是人类智慧之士表达见解之所,而思想的开放与包容,则是学术取得成就的基础。大学其实不仅需要大楼,不仅需要大师,更需要民主精神的积淀,只有从上至下的民主制度的保障,从下至上民主意识的滋养,才能在思想上提供攀登与跨越前人高峰的动力,才能得到取得真正意义进步的一点可能性,中国的大学才有可能跻身世界一流大学之林。 本文试图通过西南联大的民主精神的研究,分析中国知识分子的民主传统与中国大学实行民主制度的悠久历史,寻找高等教育是怎样平衡保证自身学术质量与履行其社会责任的关系,为当下中国大学民主精神的发掘、利用探索可行的道路,揭示中国大学对西南联大民主精神的继承、更替和演变关系,为我国建设世界一流大学提供思想动力方面的借鉴经验和启示。 通过论证“教授治校”制度在西南联大办学过程中所起到的作用,探索西南联大“教授治校”制度对现代中国高等教育制度改革的启迪和借鉴意义,考察近代中国大学“教授治校”的渊源,以及西方产权理念与“教授治校”制度的关联性,在产权理念背景下西南联大实施“教授治校”制度是如何使她成为现代中国大学学术与人才培养的制度楷模。 “教授治校”的目的是维护学术自由。但是学术自由不是虚幻的,需要制度保障与现实安排。本文还将从大学学术自由和制度安排理论展开,重点分析联大的管理、人才培养、课程设置、师生关系以及具体的办学,并结合我国当前大学管理环境的具体实际情况,分析联大在维护自由、民主精神等方面的现实意义。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the construction of our country, hardware facilities and other aspects have reached or surpassed the world famous universities.However, this is not enough for the construction of a first-class university, and it is not absolutely important for the cultivation of talents and the development of scientific research.What modern universities need is not only how many modern teaching buildings, how many hectares of land and how many campuses, but also what they need is a kind of unique spiritual civilization, which exists and develops in the university itself.And in this process, it is the symbol of the times of scientific spirit and concrete cohesion, is the advanced form of the whole human society civilization.At all times, all over the world, universities that have made great achievements in academic and scientific research, and first-class institutions that have important influence in the world, have a common characteristic of having a high level of academic and scientific research.Teachers and students with unique ideas and independence, and huge campuses, luxury buildings are not necessary.The so-called "great scholars, not the building, but the master is also". Universities are the place where the outstanding intellectuals in society concentrate to discuss problems, where the wise people of mankind express their opinions, and the openness and tolerance of ideas.It is the foundation of academic achievement.In fact, universities need not only the building, but also the master and the accumulation of the democratic spirit. Only the protection of the democracy system from the top to the bottom and the nourishment of the democratic consciousness from the bottom to the top, can the university provide the impetus for climbing and surmounting the peaks of previous generations in ideology.In order to get a chance of real progress, Chinese universities are likely to be among the top universities in the world.This paper attempts to analyze the democratic tradition of Chinese intellectuals and the long history of democracy in Chinese universities through the study of the democratic spirit of the Southwest University.How to balance the relationship between ensuring academic quality and fulfilling its social responsibility is how to find out the relationship between higher education and the democratic spirit of Chinese universities, and to explore the feasible way to reveal the inheritance of democratic spirit of Southwest University by Chinese universities.The relationship between replacement and evolution provides the experience and inspiration for our country to build a world-class university.Through the demonstration of the role of the system of "Professor governing the School" in the process of running a school in the Southwest University, this paper explores the enlightenment and reference significance of the system of "Professor administering the University" to the reform of the modern Chinese higher education system.This paper examines the origin of "professor governing school" in modern Chinese universities, as well as the relationship between the concept of western property right and the system of "professor governing school".Under the background of the idea of property right, how to implement the system of "Professor governing School" in Southwest University is how to make it a model for academic and talent training in modern Chinese universities.The aim of "Professor governing School" is to safeguard academic freedom.But academic freedom is not illusory, need system safeguard and realistic arrangement.This article will also start from the theory of academic freedom and institutional arrangements of universities, focusing on the management of the General Assembly, talent training, curriculum, teacher-student relations and the specific school running, and combining with the actual situation of the current university management environment in China.Analysis of the General Assembly in safeguarding freedom, democratic spirit and other aspects of practical significance.


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