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发布时间:2018-04-02 17:24

  本文选题:高校大学生 切入点:人文精神 出处:《吉林农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:人文精神是人类社会文明不断发展的宝贵财富,是社会和科学不断进步的源泉,是教育的灵魂和目标。同时,人文精神又是当前高校大学生教育改革中的重点内容和发展方向。人文精神是世人基于人类创造的文化的一种自身修养的追求,是有文化内涵的知识分子所体现出来的对文化的尊崇和价值取向,是文化人独特的品质和人格的写照。如果一种精神不为人们内化和发扬,那它就不能称之为一种精神,也失去了其存在的价值。因此,对人文精神的认识和体现程度也是衡量一个社会进步与否的标志。人文精神是一种持续传承民族文化的精神,是一种不断提升个人境界的精神,是一种饱含民族情怀的精神。人文精神虽有时代差异,但其本质内容不变,因为我们文化和思想中的精髓不会因为时代的更迭而遗失,他植根于这块黄色的土壤上诞生的黄色物种,这是属于我们的文化基因。 在二十世纪七十年代末,国家实行了改革开放的政策,加速度推动了市场经济的发展,使社会经济取得了极大的飞跃。经济观念和金钱意识被提升到从未有之的高度。这一时期,大学教育也日益受到经济社会的影响,这使本来就造成重理轻文的大学教育更加缺失了人文精神的支撑,加剧了大学生精神信仰、道德、价值观、人生观的危机,致使我们的高等教育大大偏离了大学教育的真正目的。本文由高校大学生人文精神的基本概念入手,分析了大学生人文精神教育的现状及缺失的原因,并从综合高校大学生人文精神培养的理念、方法和实践机制相结合的角度,探讨了建立高校大学生人文精神培养的长效机制,重点突出了历史和现实、高等教育和人文素养的有机融合,以期为新时期大学生人文精神的培养提供一定的研究价值。
[Abstract]:Humanistic spirit is the precious wealth of human civilization, the source of social and scientific progress, and the soul and goal of education.At the same time, humanistic spirit is the key content and development direction of college students' education reform.Humanistic spirit is the pursuit of self-cultivation based on the culture created by human beings, the respect and value orientation of culture embodied by intellectuals with cultural connotations, and the portrayal of the unique quality and personality of cultural people.If a spirit is not internalized and carried forward for people, it cannot be called a spirit and loses its value of existence.Therefore, the understanding and embodiment of humanistic spirit is also a symbol of social progress or not.Humanistic spirit is a spirit of continuous inheritance of national culture, is a spirit of constantly improving the personal realm, is a spirit full of national feelings.Although the humanistic spirit is different from the times, its essential content remains unchanged, because the essence of our culture and thought will not be lost because of the change of time. It is rooted in the yellow species born on this yellow soil.This is our cultural gene.At the end of 1970s, the government carried out the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, which accelerated the development of market economy and made a great leap forward in social economy.Economic concepts and money consciousness were raised to a level never before.During this period, university education was increasingly influenced by the economy and society, which made the university education, which had already caused a heavy emphasis on management and light of literature, lack the support of humanistic spirit, and exacerbated the crisis of university students' spiritual belief, morality, values, and outlook on life.As a result, our higher education deviates greatly from the true purpose of university education.Starting with the basic concept of humanistic spirit of college students, this paper analyzes the present situation and the reasons for the lack of humanistic spirit education of college students, and from the angle of combining the idea, method and practical mechanism of the cultivation of humanistic spirit of comprehensive college students,This paper discusses the establishment of a long-term mechanism for the cultivation of humanistic spirit of college students, with emphasis on the integration of history and reality, higher education and humanistic literacy, in order to provide certain research value for the cultivation of humanistic spirit of college students in the new period.


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4 马力;论大学人文精神的重构[D];电子科技大学;2007年

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6 李建平;论大学生人文精神及其培养[D];复旦大学;2012年




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