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发布时间:2018-04-02 16:03

  本文选题:高校学生社团 切入点:思想政治教育 出处:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会发展和转型的加速,当今大学生的思想日益活跃,人生观、世界观和价值观也日趋多元化,这就迫切要求推进大学生的思想政治教育,提高大学生的思想道德素质。与此同时,高校学生社团的蓬勃发展已经成为高校引人注目的现象,一些高校思想政治教育工作者们,开始尝试通过学生社团,来达到对学生进行思想政治教育的目的。然而,当前我们的思想政治教育工作者们,对高校学生社团的思想政治教育作用的研究,大都浅尝辄止,没有深层次的分析和阐述。于是,本文在借鉴一些较为成熟的研究成果基础上,从高校学生社团具有哪些思想政治教育作用、怎样实现高校学生社团的思想政治教育作用等方面展开更为深刻的研究。论文共分三个部分: 第一部分:高校学生社团的思想政治教育作用概述。该部分是基础,主要论述了高校学生社团的涵义、类型、特点及其发挥思想政治教育作用的意义。首先,从高校学生社团的内涵出发,对高校学生社团的涵义、类型、特点做出了分析和界定。其次,在结合高校学生社团相关理论的基础上,分析总结出发挥高校学生社团的思想政治教育作用的重要意义。 第二部分:高校学生社团的思想政治教育作用分析。该部分在继承前人研究的基础上,理论与实际相结合对高校学生社团的思想政治教育作用进行比较系统的概括和总结。 第三部分:高校学生社团思想政治教育作用的实现。该部分在第二部分的基础上,有针对性的提出实现高校学生社团思想政治教育作用的策略,具有较强的理论价值与现实意义。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of social development and transformation, college students' thoughts are becoming more and more active, their outlook on life, world outlook and values are becoming more and more diverse. Therefore, it is urgent to promote the ideological and political education of college students and improve their ideological and moral quality.At the same time, the vigorous development of college student associations has become a noticeable phenomenon in colleges and universities. Some ideological and political educators in colleges and universities have begun to try to achieve the purpose of ideological and political education for students through student associations.However, at present, our ideological and political educators, the role of ideological and political education of college student associations, most of the research, there is no in-depth analysis and elaboration.Therefore, on the basis of some mature research results, this paper carries out more profound research from the aspects of what ideological and political education role college student associations have, and how to realize the ideological and political education role of college student associations.The thesis is divided into three parts:The first part: the function of ideological and political education of college student associations.This part is the foundation, mainly discusses the meaning, the type, the characteristic and the significance of the ideological and political education.First of all, from the connotation of college student associations, the meaning, types and characteristics of college student associations are analyzed and defined.Secondly, on the basis of the related theories of college student associations, the significance of exerting the ideological and political education function of college student associations is analyzed and summarized.The second part: the function of ideological and political education of college student associations.On the basis of inheriting the previous studies, this part systematically summarizes and summarizes the function of ideological and political education of college students' associations by combining theory with practice.The third part: the realization of ideological and political education of college student associations.On the basis of the second part, this part puts forward the strategies to realize the function of ideological and political education of college students' associations, which has strong theoretical value and practical significance.


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