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发布时间:2018-04-02 19:18

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:职业价值观 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:职业价值观对就业选择的影响研究在西方的心理学界不算是个新命题,然而根据我国客观情况进行的研究却是寥寥无几我国大学生对于就业选择的理解与国外成型的职业选择理论间有着巨大的差异,这种差异本身不禁让人思索其形成的原因,可能是中西方文化差异造成,,也可能是理论与实际之间的差异所造成如何更有效地探究一个群体的某些特征,就显得非常重要在经历了一次次的问卷修订与数据分析之后,最终得到了一份较为满意的答案 本文基于职业价值观的相关理论,同时参考职业价值观对于就业行为的影响的相关理论,广泛吸纳各个时期的理论,形成了一套独有的对于职业价值观的理解方式本文认为,职业价值观的划分不应囿于某个框架内,使被调查对象的数据去生硬地证明这个框架,而应在借鉴前人理论研究成果的基础上,严格尊重客观事实,以求得到最新鲜的数据,并得到客观可靠的结论一次次的调查失败迫使笔者最终选择了借鉴经典,走自己的路 在借鉴了国内较为权威的宁维卫修改Super职业价值观量表,并在此基础上不断修订,这使得本文在理论上保证了最终量表的可靠性和全面性分析数据时,本文并没有将宁维卫修改Super量表的15个指标生硬地套在调查数据之上,而是根据数据本身的变化,重新对职业价值观的量表进行划分,从而得到9个指标:α1(权威与挑战性);α2(新鲜感);α3(自由感与人际和谐);α4(利他性与平等性);α5(薪酬与舒适环境);α6(安全性);α7(工作效率与组织能力);α8(声望与成就);α9(阶段性认可与自主性)这样就保证了数据被客观地描述,并得出有效的结论个案访谈也为本文问卷的设计加入了新鲜元素,使得问卷当中本来生硬的表达方式更加符合当前大学生的思维习惯,就业选择方面的问题也更加具有针对性 本文的研究群体为大学生,大学生就业问题是近年来被国家和社会广泛关注的问题,如何更好地引导大学生就业是一个永远不会过时的话题本文将目光锁定在财经类专业大学生上,这不仅有利于本文研究的深入同时也可以得出一些实际的结论,对财经类专业大学生的就业提供一些实实在在的指导作用
[Abstract]:The study of the influence of Vocational values on Employment Choice is not a New proposition in Western Psychological circles.However, according to the objective situation of our country, there is a huge difference between the understanding of employment choice of Chinese college students and the theory of career choice in foreign countries, which can not help but make people think about the reasons for its formation.It may be caused by the cultural differences between China and the West, or the differences between theory and practice, how to explore some characteristics of a group more effectively, it is very important after the repeated revision of questionnaires and data analysis.Finally got a more satisfactory answer.Based on the relevant theories of professional values, and referring to the influence of vocational values on employment behavior, this paper extensively absorbs the theories of various periods, and forms a unique way of understanding professional values.The division of professional values should not be confined to a certain framework, so that the data of the subjects surveyed can prove this framework stiffly, but on the basis of drawing lessons from the previous theoretical research results, the objective facts should be strictly respected in order to obtain the freshest data.And get an objective and reliable conclusion, the failure of the investigation forced the author to choose to learn from the classic, take their own pathIn reference to the domestic authority Ning Weiwei revised the Super career values scale, and on this basis, which makes this paper ensure the reliability of the final scale and comprehensive analysis data in theory.Instead of applying the 15 indexes of Ning Weiwei's modified Super scale to the survey data, this paper reclassifies the scale of professional values according to the changes of the data itself.Nine indicators are obtained: 伪 _ 1 (authority and challenge); 伪 _ 2 (freshness); 伪 _ 3 (freedom and interpersonal harmony; 伪 _ 4 (altruism and equality); 伪 _ 5 (pay and comfort environment); 伪 _ 6 (safety; 伪 _ 7 (work efficiency and organizational ability); 伪 _ 8 (prestige and achievement; 伪 _ 9) "This ensures that the data is described objectively,And draw an effective conclusion that the case interview also adds new elements to the design of the questionnaire, which makes the original stiff expression in the questionnaire more in line with the current thinking habits of college students, and the problem of employment choice is more targeted.The research group of this paper is college students. The employment of college students has been widely concerned by the state and society in recent years.How to better guide college students to obtain employment is a topic that will never be out of date. This paper focuses on college students majoring in finance and economics, which is not only conducive to the in-depth study of this paper, but also can draw some practical conclusions.To provide some practical guidance for the employment of college students majoring in finance and economics


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