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发布时间:2018-04-02 21:48

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:人生观 出处:《海南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:人生观是人们对人生的看法,是对于人类生存的目的、价值和意义的基本看法,是人们在认识世界、改造世界过程中的精神产品,它既是人们对自己的生存使命和意义的追寻,又是人们借此对今后人生的指导。人生观作为一种观念形态,无疑具有社会意识的一般特点,它既是社会存在的反映,一经形成又对社会存在产生积极或消极的作用。我国社会正处于转型时期,社会主义市场经济的逐步深入发展,社会的经济成分、利益诉求、分配方式呈现出多样化,人们思想的自主性、多变性和差异性也日益凸显出来。生活在现时代的人,现代生活必然深深地影响着、改变着人们的人生观念和价值取向。这种反映既有科学的、正确的反映,也有非科学、错误的反映,而现实生活对人既有积极的影响,也有消极的影响。这种双重反映、双重影响在整个社会变革时期,即整个社会主义现代化进程中将会长期存在。因此,如何理性地分辨其是非优劣,,倡导、培育符合现代化要求的科学、正确的人生观念,抑制、克服不符合现代化要求的非科学、错误的人生观念,将是人生观理论研究的一个长期的重要的课题 树立正确的世界观和人生观,无论过去、现在和将来,对于每一个社会的人来说,都是首要的问题。对于大学生来说,树立正确的世界观和人生观,更是重中之重。大学生人生观养成教育应该与时俱进,具备时代性,既要有连续的内容,又要紧跟时代的发展和大学生生理、心理的发展。青年学生作为充满理想和激情的群体,思想政治教育就是要用中国特色社会主义理论体系、用社会主义核心价值体系教育广大学生,这是实现大学生人生观养成教育创新的根本要求和出发点。这要求大学生要加强社会主义核心价值体系学习,并将理论运用到实践中去,从而为构建和树立正确的人生观奠定基础。 由于大学生的世界观、人生观和价值观还没有完全定型,接受外界事物和新鲜事物的能力较强,有着敢于挑战传统、权威意识和标新立异的心理,容易接受某种社会思潮。在不同的社会思潮的影响下,大学生的人生价值取向受到不同程度的影响,面对新形势、新问题,在马克思主义指导下整合社会生活中出现的多样化的社会思潮,加强大学生人生观养成教育的理论与实践研究,对他们进行有效的人生观教育,帮助他们树立科学的人生观,促进他们健康成长和全面发展,具有重大的理论意义和实践意义
[Abstract]:The outlook on life is people's view of life, the basic view of the purpose, value and significance of human existence, and the spiritual product of people in the process of understanding and transforming the world. It is not only the pursuit of people's own survival mission and significance,It is also the guidance that people take to the future life.The outlook on life, as a form of ideology, undoubtedly has the general characteristics of social consciousness. It is not only a reflection of social existence, but also has a positive or negative effect on social existence once it is formed.Our society is in the transition period, the socialist market economy develops gradually, the social economic component, the interest demand, the distribution way presents the diversification, the people's thought autonomy, the variability and the difference also day by day highlight.People living in modern times, modern life must deeply influence and change people's life concept and value orientation.This kind of reflection has not only scientific and correct reflection, but also non-scientific and wrong reflection, while real life has both positive and negative effects on people.This kind of double reflection and double influence will exist for a long time in the whole period of social transformation, that is, the whole process of socialist modernization.Therefore, how to rationally distinguish between right and wrong, advocate and cultivate science that meets the requirements of modernization, correct concept of life, restrain and overcome the unscientific and wrong concept of life that does not meet the requirements of modernization,Will be a long-term important subject in the theoretical research of outlook on life.Establishing a correct world outlook and outlook on life, past, present and future, is a top priority for everyone in every society.For college students, establishing a correct world outlook and outlook on life is the most important.The cultivation education of college students' outlook on life should keep pace with the times and possess the characteristics of the times. It is necessary to keep up with the development of the times and keep up with the development of the times and the physiological and psychological development of college students.As a group full of ideals and passion, the ideological and political education of young students is to use the socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristics and the socialist core value system to educate the vast number of students.This is the basic requirement and starting point of education innovation to realize college students'outlook on life.This requires college students to strengthen the study of the socialist core value system and apply the theory to practice so as to lay a foundation for the construction and establishment of a correct outlook on life.Because the university students' world outlook, outlook on life and values have not been completely shaped, the ability to accept the outside and new things is relatively strong, they have the mentality of daring to challenge tradition, authority consciousness and innovation, and they are easy to accept some kind of social trend of thought.Under the influence of different social trends of thought, the value orientation of college students' life is influenced by different degrees. In the face of new situation, new problems, the diversified social trends of thought that appear in the integration of social life under the guidance of Marxism,It is of great theoretical and practical significance to strengthen the theoretical and practical research on the cultivation education of college students' outlook on life, to carry out effective education on their outlook on life, to help them to establish a scientific outlook on life and to promote their healthy growth and all-round development.


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