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发布时间:2018-04-03 04:21

  本文选题:军队院校 切入点:道德教育 出处:《黑龙江大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:道德教育是伦理学的重要组成部分,是道德活动的一种重要形式。中国人民解放军作为国家的主要国防力量,尤其重视对全军官兵特别是军队院校学员的道德教育。进入21世纪以来,,国际局势曲折复杂、变动不居,我国处于改革开放关键时期,经济社会发展面临着新的任务与形势。作为担负特殊政治任务的武装集团,我军的发展和建设处在多种社会思潮动荡、多元文化并存的时代背景下,面临着许多新情况、新问题。而作为军队的主体,我军官兵亟需应对多重考验,军队院校是我军官兵成长的摇篮,加强对军队院校学员道德教育,培养高尚的道德情操,使军校学员成为有道德的军人,是我国军队思想政治建设的重要任务,亦是当前部队思想政治工作的一个重要课题。 本文旨在对军队院校道德教育本质内涵进行理论研究,并通过对军校道德教育现状的分析,找出军校道德教育存在诸多矛盾问题的深层次原因,提出解决军队院校道德教育问题的方法和途径,为探求在当今的文化背景下培育出具备较高道德素养的新型军事人才找到理论根基。
[Abstract]:Moral education is an important part of ethics and an important form of moral activity.The PLA, as the country's main national defense force, attaches particular importance to moral education for all officers and men, especially military academies and academies.Since the beginning of the 21st century, the international situation has been complicated and changeable. Our country is in the crucial period of reform and opening up, and the economic and social development is facing new tasks and situations.As an armed group with special political tasks, the development and construction of our army is facing many new situations and problems under the background of various social trends of thought turbulence and the coexistence of multiculturalism.As the main body of the armed forces, the officers and soldiers of our army urgently need to deal with many tests. Military academies and academies are the cradle of the growth of our officers and soldiers. We should strengthen moral education for the cadets of military academies, cultivate noble moral sentiments, and make military cadets in military academies moral soldiers.It is an important task in the ideological and political construction of our army, and also an important subject in the ideological and political work of the army at present.The purpose of this paper is to study the essential connotation of moral education in military academies, and to find out the deep-seated reasons for the contradictions in moral education in military academies through the analysis of the present situation of moral education in military academies.This paper puts forward the methods and ways to solve the problem of moral education in military colleges and universities in order to find the theoretical foundation for cultivating new military talents with higher moral literacy under the present cultural background.


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