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发布时间:2018-04-03 07:48

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:就业 出处:《辽宁工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当今社会,法律意识的发展水平是现代法治国家人民法律素质程度的标志,是“依法治国”这一宪法精神实现状况的体现。然而,我国与就业相关的法律制度还处于发展阶段,与发达国家相比,群众的就业法律意识水平较低。大学生是素质相对较高的社会群体,是国家未来的主人。大学生就业法律意识的缺失,会侵害大学生的就业权益,也会对用人单位和高校就业工作造成一定影响。加强对大学生就业法律意识的培养教育是大学生法律意识体系的重要组成部分,也是当前高校思想政治教育工作的一项重要内容。培育大学生的就业法律意识对于维护大学生合理的就业权益、构建和谐劳动用工关系,具有重要的现实意义。 本文采用文献、综合、比较分析方法通过对大学生就业法律意识缺失相关问题前期研究成果综述分析,探寻产生上述问题的现实原因,以期提出相应解决问题的对策,明确大学生就业法律意识培育的内容,提出富有创造性和现实性的对策建议,来解决因大学生就业法律意识缺失而产生的就业问题,促进大学生就业和谐发展。 首先,本文通过对大学生就业法律意识研究现状的有关文献进行分析,对就业相关概念界定,将本文论述的大学生就业界定在首次就业,运用社会存在与社会意识辩证关系原理、人的全面发展原理,劳动权利理论,就业权益与保护理论为大学生就业法律意识的培育提供理论上的依据;其次,通过分析当前大学生就业的宏观社会背景,从经济危机对大学生就业带来挑战,产业结构调整对大学生就业产生压力,,知识经济对大学生就业提出新要求等角度,系统描述了大学生就业法律意识既有所提升又存在重大问题的现状,全面分析了大学生存在这种现状的深层影响因素:传统不良风气影响,高校就业教育实效性不足,大学生自身对法律知识掌握过少;再次,从大学生就业环境复杂化的客观要求和就业过程的主观需求两方面分析了大学生就业法律意识培育的必要性;最后,通过上述分析,明确了大学生就业法律意识培育的内容,要从树立就业法律意识和学习法律常识两方面对大学生进行培育,重点阐述了从国家政策层面、高校就业层面、大学生自身三个途径对大学生就业法律意识进行培育。
[Abstract]:In today's society, the level of legal consciousness is the symbol of the legal quality of the people in modern countries ruled by law, and the embodiment of the realization of the constitutional spirit of "governing the country by law".However, China's employment-related legal system is still in the development stage, compared with the developed countries, the level of the masses' legal awareness of employment is relatively low.College students are relatively high-quality social groups, is the future master of the country.The lack of legal consciousness of employment of college students will infringe on the employment rights and interests of college students, and will also have a certain impact on the employment work of employers and universities.It is an important part of the legal consciousness system of college students to strengthen the cultivation and education of their employment legal consciousness, and it is also an important content of the ideological and political education in colleges and universities at present.It is of great practical significance to cultivate the employment legal consciousness of college students to maintain their reasonable employment rights and interests and to construct harmonious labor and employment relations.This article uses the literature, the synthesis, the comparative analysis method through to the university student employment legal consciousness lacks the early stage research achievement summary analysis, explores the realistic reason which produces the above question, in order to propose the corresponding solution countermeasure,This paper clarifies the contents of the cultivation of college students' employment legal consciousness, and puts forward some creative and realistic countermeasures and suggestions to solve the employment problems caused by the lack of the university students' employment legal consciousness and to promote the harmonious development of college students' employment.First of all, through the analysis of the current situation of university students' employment legal consciousness, this paper defines the concept of employment, and defines the employment of college students in the first employment.The theory of dialectical relationship between social existence and social consciousness, the principle of human's overall development, the theory of labor rights, the theory of employment rights and interests and the theory of protection provide the theoretical basis for the cultivation of college students' legal consciousness of employment.Through analyzing the macroscopic social background of college students' employment at present, from the angles of the economic crisis bringing challenges to college students' employment, the adjustment of industrial structure exerting pressure on college students' employment, the knowledge economy putting forward new requirements for college students' employment, etc.This paper systematically describes the present situation of college students' legal consciousness of employment, and analyzes the deep influencing factors of the existing situation of college students: the influence of traditional unhealthy atmosphere, the lack of actual effect of employment education in colleges and universities.Thirdly, it analyzes the necessity of cultivating college students' employment legal consciousness from the objective requirements of the complicated employment environment and the subjective demand of the employment process. Finally, through the above analysis,This paper clarifies the contents of the cultivation of college students' legal consciousness of employment, sets forth the cultivation of college students from two aspects: establishing the sense of employment law and studying legal common sense, focusing on the aspects of national policy and employment in colleges and universities.College students themselves through three ways to cultivate the legal awareness of employment of college students.


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