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发布时间:2018-04-03 08:11

  本文选题:爱国热情 切入点:大学生 出处:《武汉工程大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,,国内外学者都意识到了大学生爱国热情的宝贵价值,关于爱国热情的基本理论也取得了一定进展,但还没有研究者从本体的视角系统地对大学生爱国热情予以探讨,从而导致了爱国热情这一重要概念的理论面貌和结构框架至今仍模糊不清,进而导致了我们学校和社会不能有效地开展大学生爱国主义教育。因此,如何从现实出发正确认识大学生爱国热情的本质、特征、价值、功能、作用机制等本体问题成为教育者必须知道的答案。笔者正是以此为研究点,以客观的数据为支撑,从理论和现实两个层面,分四部分阐述了大学生爱国热情本体的相关问题。 一、从概念界定入手,在一般意义上系统辨析了爱国热情的涵义和本质。创造性地指出爱国热情不仅是人们对自己国家和民族文化的深切热爱之情,是一个国家民族重要的情感资源,而且是一种胸怀天下,爱国如家并使各民族团结的发展理念和发展需要;是个体在充分对本民族国家历史、文化认知的基础上所表现出来的分层次、重理性的情绪、情感体验,也是激发人们爱国主义的原始动力。另外,本文还进一步分析了爱国热情内在发展过程,指出大学生爱国热情的本质,即与一定生产力发展水平相适应的,有助于促进个体和国家的健康发展并与国家利益之间相互作用而产生的情绪情感体验系统,它既有对历史文化的认知又有对现在国家繁荣昌盛的使命。 二、以客观的、大量的数据为支撑,分析了大学生的爱国认知水平、爱国情感维度、爱国行为方式。通过数据分析发现,不同学历层次的大学生在爱国认知水平方面存在差异,特别是博士生和高职专科生在爱国认知方面的偏差比较明显;不同性别的大学生在爱国情感强度和深度方面存在差异,表现为男性大学生的爱国情感强度略胜于女性,反过来,女性大学生的爱国情感深度略大于男性大学生;总体上来讲大学生爱国行为方式多样,其中学生党员的爱国行为具有楷模作用,具有时代性,另外,大部分学生的爱国行为是理性的,但也存在部分学生出现过激表现。 三、立足现实,分析了大学生爱国热情的特征及其发展规律。大学生思想活跃、有热情,对社会现象有一定认知,并愿意积极参与思考,其爱国特热情的特征表现为内容复杂性、情感层次性和表达矛盾性三个方面。大学生爱国热情的发展规律表现出“需要与满足”规律和“认知-实践”螺旋发展规律两个客观规律。 四、理论与实际相结合剖析了大学生爱国热情的价值、功能及其作用机制。大学生爱国热情的价值表现为刺激民族意识觉醒、促进民族文化认同、保持民族个性鲜明的价值和思想教育、政治教育和道德教育的价值;其功能表现为民族凝聚、国家统一、个体发展三个方面。同时,笔者把大学生爱国热情的作用机制概括为“发于情”、“行于义”、“止于理”三个有机结合的过程。 研究大学生爱国热情的本体,探讨其概念、特征、发展规律、价值、功能及其作用机制,有利于构建新时期大学生爱国热情的保护和引导机制;有助于丰富和深化爱国主义的研究视角;有助于提高爱国主义教育的针对性和有效性;有助于促进青年大学生身心健康发展;有助于进一步加强和改进大学生的德育工作。
[Abstract]:In recent years , scholars both at home and abroad have realized the precious value of patriotic enthusiasm of college students , and some progress has been made on the basic theory of patriotic enthusiasm .

Firstly , starting from the concept definition , the meaning and essence of patriotic enthusiasm are analyzed in the general sense . It is pointed out that the patriotic enthusiasm is not only the deep love of people to their own country and national culture , but also an important emotional resource of a nation ' s nation .
In addition , this paper further analyzes the intrinsic development process of patriotic enthusiasm , and points out that the essence of patriotic enthusiasm of college students , which is compatible with the level of productive development , helps to promote the healthy development of the individual and the country and the interaction between the national interests . It has both the cognition of the historical culture and the mission of the country ' s prosperity .

Second , based on the objective and large amount of data , the patriotic cognition level , patriotic emotion dimension and patriotic behavior pattern of college students were analyzed .
There is a difference in the strength and depth of patriotic emotion among college students with different sex , which shows that the patriotic emotion intensity of male college students is slightly higher than that of women , in turn , the patriotic emotion depth of female college students is slightly larger than that of male college students ;
Generally speaking , the patriotic behavior of college students is varied , among which the patriotic behavior of the student Party members has an exemplary role and has the times , and most of the students ' patriotic behavior is rational , but there are also some students ' behaviors .

Third , based on the reality , the characteristics of college students ' patriotic enthusiasm and their development law are analyzed . The college students are active , enthusiastic , have a certain cognition about social phenomena , and they are willing to take part in thinking . Their patriotic enthusiasm is characterized by contents complexity , emotional level and expression contradiction . The development of patriotic enthusiasm of college students shows two objective laws of " need and satisfaction " and " cognition - practice " spiral development law .

Four , the combination of theory and practice analyses the value , function and function mechanism of patriotic enthusiasm of college students . The value of patriotic enthusiasm of college students is to stimulate the awakening of national consciousness , promote national cultural identity , maintain the bright value of national individuality and the value of ideological education , political education and moral education ;
At the same time , the author summarizes the mechanism of the patriotic enthusiasm of college students as the process of combining the three organic combinations of " emotion " , " line - righteousness " and " anti - rational " .

To study the ontology of college students ' patriotic enthusiasm , discuss the concept , characteristics , development law , value , function and function mechanism of college students ' patriotic enthusiasm , which is conducive to the construction of the protection and guiding mechanism of patriotic enthusiasm of college students in the new period ;
It is helpful to enrich and deepen the research perspective of patriotism ;
It is helpful to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of patriotic education ;
helps to promote the physical and mental health development of young students ;
It is helpful to further strengthen and improve the moral education of college students .



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