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发布时间:2018-04-03 10:18

  本文选题:高校 切入点:户外运动 出处:《北京体育大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:户外运动作为一项新兴的体育运动项目,因其自身所具有的冒险性与挑战性而深受广大高校学生的青睐,目前户外运动在我国高校主要以社团的形式在发展,高校户外运动社团作为推动中国户外运动发展的中坚力量,对我国户外运动的发展起到了重要作用,本文综合运用问卷调查法、专家访谈法、个案研究法等研究方法,以优化高校体育社团的改革为出发点,对北京30所高校户外运动社团的发展现状进行调查分析,探讨高校户外运动社团在发展中存在的问题,分析影响高校户外运动社团发展的因素,并针对性地提出对策,旨在为高校户外运动社团的改革发展提供理论借鉴。 研究结果表明:北京高校虽然大多数都成立了户外运动社团,且社团的规模也较大,但是由于受学校知名度和社团本身开展户外运动实践经验的影响,导致北京高校户外运动社团的发展水平呈层次不齐的局面,具体表现在经费的来源、专业装备和指导教师的配备以及社团的宣传力度上存在差异;北京高校户外运动社团的经费来源渠道总体呈多样化形式,但主要还是以会员的会费为主的经费来源,另外北京高校户外社团的经费主要用在户外活动的组织和装备的更新和购买上;北京高校户外运动社团开展的日常活动内容较丰富,但在开展户外运动项目的选择上受学校周边环境和社团自身开展户外运动实践经验的影响较大,另外社团开展户外运动的频率缺乏保障,活动的组织难度较大;北京高校户外运动社团的会员对户外运动知识具有一定的了解,但由于受学校户外运动社团的规模和自身参与户外运动实践经验的限制,会员对户外运动的认识还处于较浅阶段,尤其对户外运动相关产业和运动损伤的了解知之甚少。 针对北京高校户外运动社团发展过程中存在的问题,本文提出以下建议:高校户外运动社团要有明确的目标定位;高校户外运动社团要善于整合校内外资源,丰富社团活动内容;成立高校户外运动社团联盟或联合会,加强社团之间的管理;高校户外运动社团要加强自身建设,完善社团内部组织机构;高校户外运动社团要构建安全保障体系。
[Abstract]:As a new sport item, outdoor sports is favored by college students because of its adventure and challenge. At present, outdoor sports are mainly developed in the form of community in colleges and universities in our country.University outdoor sports associations, as the backbone of promoting the development of outdoor sports in China, have played an important role in the development of outdoor sports in China. In this paper, comprehensive use of questionnaires, expert interviews, case studies and other research methods,In order to optimize the reform of sports associations in colleges and universities, this paper investigates and analyzes the present situation of the development of outdoor sports associations in 30 universities in Beijing, and probes into the problems existing in the development of outdoor sports associations in colleges and universities.This paper analyzes the factors affecting the development of outdoor sports associations in colleges and universities, and puts forward some countermeasures in order to provide theoretical reference for the reform and development of outdoor sports associations in colleges and universities.The results show that although most of the universities in Beijing have established outdoor sports associations, and the scale of the associations is large, but due to the impact of school awareness and the community's own outdoor sports practice experience,As a result, the level of development of outdoor sports associations in Beijing colleges and universities is uneven, which is reflected in the differences in the sources of funds, the allocation of professional equipment and guidance teachers, and the propaganda efforts of the associations.The funding sources of outdoor sports associations in Beijing colleges and universities are diversified in general, but they are mainly funded by members' membership fees.In addition, the funds of outdoor associations in Beijing colleges and universities are mainly used to update and purchase the organization and equipment of outdoor activities; the content of daily activities carried out by outdoor sports associations in Beijing colleges and universities is relatively rich.However, the selection of outdoor sports items is greatly influenced by the school surrounding environment and the community's own practice experience of outdoor sports. In addition, the frequency of outdoor sports is not guaranteed, and the organization of activities is difficult.Members of Beijing University Outdoor Sports Association have a certain understanding of outdoor sports knowledge, but due to the scale of school outdoor sports associations and their participation in outdoor sports practice experience,Members' understanding of outdoor sports is still in a relatively early stage, especially about outdoor sports related industries and sports injuries.In view of the problems existing in the development of university outdoor sports association in Beijing, this paper puts forward the following suggestions: the university outdoor sports association should have a clear target orientation, the university outdoor sports association should be good at integrating the resources inside and outside the university,Enrich the content of community activities; set up university outdoor sports associations or federations to strengthen the management of associations; University outdoor sports associations should strengthen their own construction, improve the internal organization of the community;The university outdoor sports association must construct the safety guarantee system.


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