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发布时间:2018-04-04 02:24

  本文选题:东西部 切入点:地方师范 出处:《四川师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文通过调查研究,分析了以广东省的华南师范大学为代表的东部地区地方师范院校和以四川省的四川师范大学为代表的西部地区地方师范院校的大学生择业观的现状以及影响因素,并进行了比较研究。通过比较分析,本研究认为东西部地区地方师范院校大学生的择业观在一定程度上有一些相同点,比如大多数大学生能够较为准确认识当前就业形势,但是大多对就业政策了解不深入。大多数大学生对就读学校及专业满意度不高,大多数大学生就业心态仍存在一定问题。但是同时也明显地表现出很大的差异,主要表现在:毕业去向、职业地域、行业类型和性质、对个人创业选择的态度上,以及对“先就业,后择业”的表现上。本研究认为,造成这些差异的主要原因一是大学生自身因素,包括价值观和自我认知;二是社会因素,包括社会区域经济发展的不平衡,社会相关制度的不完善,社会传统观念以及社会现实中的不正之风;三是学校因素,包括学校教育体制结构和学校就业指导和服务工作;四是家庭因素,,包括家庭经济条件、家庭教育背景和家庭社会关系等。研究这种差异对于现实中正确引导地方师范类院校大学生地树立正确择业观具有现实意义。 本研究认为当前形势下,由于西部地区经济发展状况落后等一系列原因,西部地区地方师范院校大学生就业形势更为严峻,引导大学生树立正确择业观具有深刻意义。基于此,本研究最后从学生自身、社会、家庭以及学校,尤其侧重与学校,提出了引导地方师范院校大学生树立正确的择业观的对策及建议。
[Abstract]:Through investigation and research,This paper analyzes the present situation and influencing factors of college students' job selection in the east of Guangdong Province, represented by South China normal University, and in the western region of China, which is represented by Sichuan normal University.A comparative study was carried out.Through the comparative analysis, this study believes that there are some similarities in the view of job selection of local normal college students in the eastern and western regions, for example, most students can accurately understand the current employment situation.But most of them do not have a deep understanding of employment policy.Most college students are not satisfied with their school and major, and most college students still have some problems in their employment mentality.But at the same time, it also shows great difference, mainly in: graduation destination, occupation region, industry type and nature, attitude towards individual entrepreneurial choice, and performance of "employment first, then career choice".This study believes that the main reasons for these differences are the college students' own factors, including values and self-cognition, social factors, including the imbalance of social regional economic development, and the imperfection of social-related systems.Social traditional concepts and unhealthy tendencies in social reality; third, school factors, including the institutional structure of school education and school employment guidance and service work; and fourth, family factors, including family economic conditions,Family education background and family social relations.The study of this difference is of practical significance to guide the students of local normal colleges to set up a correct view of job selection.Under the current situation, due to a series of reasons, such as the backward economic development in the western region, the employment situation of the local normal college students in the western region is more severe, so it is of profound significance to guide the students to set up a correct outlook on job selection.Based on this, this study finally puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to guide local normal college students to set up a correct view of job selection from the students themselves, society, family and school, especially with emphasis on the school.


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