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发布时间:2018-04-04 08:41

  本文选题:“985”高校 切入点:教师教学发展中心 出处:《兰州大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:提高高校教师教学能力和教师教学水平,提升高等教育质量,成为目前我国高等教育大众化时期的关注重点。2012年前后,我国大部分高校开始建立教师教学发展中心,特别是在2012年7月,教育部下发了《关于启动国家级教师教学发展示范中心建设工作的通知》(教高司函[2012]107号),《通知》决定在“十二五”期间,教育部重点支持建设30个国家级教师教学发展示范中心,中心选取范围主要是在中央部委所属高校中。本文以“985”高校教师教学发展中心为研究对象,分析了“985”高校教师教学发展中心的背景、概况、特点、存在的问题及原因。研究发现,目前教师教学发展中心存在以下问题:中心建设进度不一;中心网站资源建设差;中心管理机制不健全;中心工作人员投入工作精力有限;中心工作功能未能协同发展,部分职能工作效果不明显;教师培训注重量的建设,忽略师德素养建设。基于以上问题,笔者分析了目前教学发展中心存在问题的原因。并结合美国著名大学加州大学伯克利分校教学促进中心(Center for Research on Learning and Teaching,简称CTL)的建设经验,对“985”高校加强教师教学发展中心建设提出以下建议:一是教育部加强对教师教学发展中心建设进行政策指导;二是“985”高校自身应重视教师教学发展中心的建设,从观念、组织架构、队伍建设和物质保障几个角度展开:三是中心应完善内部管理和运行机制;四是“985”高校教师应充分利用中心提高自身的能力和水平。
[Abstract]:Improving teachers' teaching ability and teaching level and improving the quality of higher education have become the focus of attention in the period of popularization of higher education in our country. Around 2012, most colleges and universities of our country began to set up the center of teacher teaching development.In particular, in July 2012, the Ministry of Education issued the Circular on the start of the Construction of the National demonstration Center for teacher Teaching Development. (the letter of the Department of higher Education [2012] 107, "Notification" decided that during the 12th Five-Year Plan period,The Ministry of Education supports the construction of 30 national teachers' teaching development demonstration centers, which are mainly selected in colleges and universities affiliated to central ministries.This article takes the "985" university teacher teaching development center as the research object, analyzes the "985" university teacher teaching development center background, the general situation, the characteristic, the existence question and the reason.The research found that the current teacher teaching development center has the following problems: the center construction progress is different, the center website resources construction is poor, the center management mechanism is not perfect, the center staff input work energy is limited;The function of the center failed to develop in coordination, and the effect of some of the functions was not obvious; the teacher training paid attention to the construction of quantity and ignored the construction of teachers' moral accomplishment.Based on the above problems, the author analyzes the causes of the problems in the current teaching development center.Combined with the construction experience of the Center for Research on Learning and Teachingat the University of California Berkeley,The following suggestions are put forward to strengthen the construction of teacher teaching development center in "985" universities: first, the Ministry of Education should strengthen the policy guidance on the construction of teacher teaching development center; second, "985" university should attach importance to the construction of teacher teaching development center.From the perspectives of concept, organizational structure, team construction and material guarantee, the center should improve its internal management and operation mechanism, and the teachers of "985" colleges and universities should make full use of the center to improve their own ability and level.


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