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发布时间:2018-04-04 12:16

  本文选题:反思性教学 切入点:大学英语新手教师 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,教师发展的研究已经从对教育方法的探讨转向对教师专业化发展的探索上来,教育改革对教师的观念和行为提出了新要求,传统的教学方法已经不能满足学生的需求。反思性教学就是在教育改革中蓬勃发展起来的一种教学理论思潮。反思性实践是指教师在解决问题,做出决定和进行复杂思考的自我反思的过程,它是一种能够改进传统方法上教师职业发展的教学方法。在反思性教学与教师发展的关系中,反思是手段,发展是目的。提倡反思性教学,,培养反思型教师是教师专业发展的重要任务。因此,如何运用反思性教学来帮助教师发展,特别是对新手教师的发展是本论文的研究重点。 本论文以反思性教学为研究重点,包括研究其定义、理论基础、特点、方法和模型等方面,同时对新手教师专业发展的状况进行了概述,探讨一条适合我国大学新手英语教师专业发展的有效途径。作者选择沈阳师范大学等4所学校的20名英语新手教师作为研究对象,通过运用调查问卷、深度访谈、观察及文献等研究方法,进行历时十五周的调查研究,找出在反思性教学活动中的教师专业发展的变化状况,分析讨论以下几个问题: 1)目前,反思性教学理论在大学新手英语教师中的应用情况如何? 2)对于大学英语新手教师来说,反思性教学是否对其教学想法,教学行为,教学方法和教学效果带来改变?如有改变,这种改变是否有益处? 3)对于大学英语新手教师来说,反思性教学究竟如何影响其专业发展? 通过对调查问卷、深度访谈以及课堂观察进行了定性与定量的分析,本研究发现如下成果: 1)反思性活动之前,20名大学新手英语教师对反思性教学的了解以及在课堂上应用反思性教学的情况较少。 2)反思性活动之后,20名大学新手英语教师对反思性教学有了一定的了解,并且可以将其方法应用于课堂教学中。同时反思性教学对他们的教学想法,教学行为,教学方法和教学行为都带来了改变,并对其课堂教学有所帮助。总之,他们逐渐学会了运用这种新的教学方式来提高其教学水平。 3)反思性活动之后,20名大学新手英语教师通过在课堂上运用反思性教学方法,能及时发现教学过程中的问题,并对课堂信息进行分析、评价,从实践中探索并获得益处,揭示了反思性教学和新手教师专业发展的关系。 因此,本研究发现反思性教学为大学英语新手教师提供了一种新的授课方式。新手教师们通过教学反思、教师调整、优化其教学行为来组织课堂教学、指导学生学习、启发学生思维,最后解决实际教学中的问题,达到预期的教学效果。反思性教学在外语教学中的应用无疑会有力地促进教师素质的提高,促进教师自我发展。因此,反思性教学能力是教师应具备的重要素质,也是当前外语教师教育的核心问题。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the research of teachers' development has changed from the exploration of educational methods to the exploration of teachers' professional development. The educational reform has put forward new requirements for teachers' concepts and behaviors, and the traditional teaching methods can no longer meet the needs of students.Reflective teaching is a trend of thought in teaching theory which develops vigorously in educational reform.Reflective practice is a process of self-reflection in solving problems, making decisions and making complex thinking. It is a teaching method that can improve the professional development of teachers in traditional methods.In the relationship between reflective teaching and teacher development, reflection is the means and development is the end.To promote reflective teaching and cultivate reflective teachers is an important task for teachers' professional development.This paper focuses on reflective teaching, including its definition, theoretical basis, characteristics, methods and models, and summarizes the professional development of novice teachers.To explore an effective way for the professional development of new English teachers in Chinese universities.The author chooses 20 English novice teachers from four schools, including Shenyang normal University, as the research object, and carries out a 15-week investigation by means of questionnaire, in-depth interview, observation and literature.To find out the changes of teachers' professional development in reflective teaching activities, and analyze and discuss the following problems:1) at present, what is the application of reflective teaching theory in college English teachers?2) for new college English teachers, does reflective teaching bring about changes in teaching ideas, teaching behaviors, teaching methods and teaching effects?If there are changes, will such changes be beneficial?3) for the novice college English teachers, how does reflective teaching affect their professional development?Through qualitative and quantitative analysis of questionnaires, in-depth interviews and classroom observations, this study finds the following results:1) before the reflective activities, 20 new college English teachers had less understanding of reflective teaching and the application of reflective teaching in the classroom.2) after the reflective activities, 20 new college English teachers have a certain understanding of reflective teaching, and can be applied to classroom teaching.At the same time, reflective teaching has brought changes to their teaching ideas, teaching behaviors, teaching methods and teaching behaviors, and it is also helpful to their classroom teaching.In short, they gradually learned to use this new teaching method to improve their teaching level.3) after the reflective activities, 20 new college English teachers can discover the problems in the teaching process in time by using reflective teaching methods in the classroom, and analyze and evaluate the classroom information to explore and gain benefits from the practice.It reveals the relationship between reflective teaching and the professional development of novice teachers.Therefore, this study finds that reflective teaching provides a new teaching method for novice college English teachers.The novice teachers organize the classroom teaching, instruct the students to study, inspire the students' thinking through teaching reflection, teachers adjust and optimize their teaching behavior, finally solve the problems in actual teaching, and achieve the expected teaching effect.The application of reflective teaching in foreign language teaching will undoubtedly promote teachers' quality and teachers' self-development.Therefore, reflective teaching ability is an important quality that teachers should possess, and it is also the core problem of current foreign language teachers' education.


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