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发布时间:2018-04-04 23:05

  本文选题:国家助学贷款 切入点:利益主体 出处:《中南民族大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高等教育需求的增长导致高等教育规模扩大,规模扩大致使高等教育经费供给的紧张,教育成本分担政策出台,高等教育收费制度使得家庭经济困难学生求学难的问题越来越突出。在此背景下,为了保证不让大学生因家庭经济困难而失去接受高等教育的机会,1998年经中国人民银行、教育部、财政部等部门联合下发了《关于助学贷款规定的通知》;标志着国家助学贷款制度的出台。 国家助学贷款政策的出台,众多学者为完善助学贷款政策,提出不少真知灼见,对于完善国家助学贷款政策起到积极作用,自实施助学贷款政策以来,政策不断完善,类别不断增多,手续不断简化,贷款总量逐年增加,截至目前,中行累计发放国家助学贷款174.06亿元,资助贫困学生150余万人,对于解决贫困学生顺利完成学业问题发挥了巨大作用。但在实施过程中,仍然存在着贷款银行存在惜贷,贷款发放量难以满足贫困学生需求等现象。究其原因,主要在于作为高等教育公平政策一部分的助学政策与作为商业性手段的贷款之间的冲突,要进一步完善国家助学贷款政策,充分发挥其助学功能,有必要进一步深入探讨助学贷款政策中政策性目标与商业性手段之间的冲突,研究消解冲突的对策。 在这项研究中,通过对国家助学贷款特点及其利益主体分析,并对国家助学贷款政策的发展变化及实施现状分析之后,进而对国家助学贷款政策主体利益冲突的表现进行探讨,从而提出了消解我国助学贷款政策主体矛盾的对策。具体研究思路如下: 第一章,,阐述了这项研究的研究背景,研究目的和研究内容,综合现有的研究成果,对国家助学贷款政策主体的利益冲突进行文献综述,确定研究方法。 第二章,对国家助学贷款特点及其利益主体进行分析,其内容包括国家助学贷款的概念及要素,国家助学贷款的特点以及国家助学贷款利益主体分析三个方面。 第三章,从两个方面四个层次阐述了国家助学贷款政策的发展变化及实施现状,在国家助学贷款政策的发展变化方面,主要从国家助学贷款政策产生的背景和国家助学贷款的发展变化两个层次。而在国家助学贷款政策实施的现状方面,则主要探讨了国家助学贷款政策实施的积极作用及其实施中存在的问题。 第四章,对国家助学贷款政策主体利益冲突的表现进行分析,主要论述了利益相关者理论、利益相关者视角下国家助学贷款政策的实施困境、以及分析各利益主体之间的利益博弈,并对国家助学贷款政策主体利益冲突的表现进行分析总结,其中包括三个方面,分别是国家助学贷款的政策性与商业银行的经营原则冲突,贷款政策对高校的定位与高校自身利益的冲突以及商业银行利益保护与学生贷款手续简化的冲突。 第五章,通过对我国助学贷款现状的分析,结合我国实际情况,提出要明确政府、银行和学校的关系及其责任、并辅以商业性和政策性改进和助学贷款方案要素的修正等方面消解我国助学贷款政策主体的矛盾。
[Abstract]:The demand for higher education growth leads to the expansion of higher education, expanding the scale of the higher education funding supply tension, education cost sharing policy, the higher education charge system makes the family economic difficulties students studying hard problems are becoming increasingly prominent. Under this background, in order to ensure not to let students lose the opportunity to receive higher education due to family economic difficulties in 1998, the people's Bank of Chinese, Ministry of education, Ministry of Finance and other departments jointly issued the "notice on the student loan provisions >; marks of national student loan system introduction.
The national student loan policy, many scholars to improve the student loan policy, put forward a lot of high perspicacity, positive effects on the improvement of the national student loan policy, since the implementation of the student loan policy, the policy of continuous improvement, constantly increasing categories, simplify the procedures, the total amount of loans increased year by year, as of now, the Bank of China has issued the national student loan 17 billion 406 million yuan to subsidize poor students more than 150 people, has played a great role in solving the problem of poor students complete their studies. But in the implementation process, there are still existing loan bank credit crunch, the amount of the loan is difficult to meet the needs of poor students. The reason mainly lies in the conflict as part of the equity of higher education policy as a student of policy and the means of commercial loans, to further improve the national student loan policy, give full play to its educational function, It is necessary to further investigate the conflict between student loan policy in the policy objectives and the means of commercial, countermeasure research on conflict resolution.
In this study, through the analysis of the characteristics of national student loan and its stakeholders, and on the development and changes of the national student loan policy and the implementation of the status quo, and the performance of the national student loan policy subject to conflicts of interest are discussed, and puts forward countermeasures of China's main student loan policy contradiction. Specific research ideas are as follows:
The first chapter describes the research background of this study, research objectives and research contents, the research results of the existing conflict of interest on the national student loan policy of the main literature review, determine the research methods.
The second chapter of the National Student Loan Characteristics and stakeholders are analyzed, which includes the concepts and elements of the national student loan, national student loan and the characteristics of national student loan interest analysis in three aspects.
The third chapter, from two aspects describe four levels of development and changes of the national student loan policy and the implementation of the status quo, development and changes of the national student loan policy, two levels of development mainly from the national student loan policy and the background of the national student loan. But in the current implementation of national student loan policy. It mainly discusses the positive effect and the implementation of the national student loan policy implementation of the problem.
The fourth chapter of the national student loan policy subject to conflicts of interest were analyzed, mainly discusses the theory of stakeholders, the implementation of the plight of the national student loan policy from the perspective of stakeholders, and the interests of the game between the interests of the principal, and the national student loan policy interests conflicts were analyzed and summarized, including three aspects are the conflict management principle of policy and Commercial Bank of the national student loan, and conflict of localization of the University College Loan Policy for their own interest conflict and to protect the interests of commercial banks and the student loan procedures simplified.
The fifth chapter, through the analysis of the current situation of student loan in China, combined with China's actual situation, proposed to clarify the relationship between the bank and the government, the school and the responsibility, contradiction and supplemented by commercial and policy improvement and correction factors of the student loan scheme digestion policy subject of student loans in China.



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