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发布时间:2018-04-05 00:11

  本文选题:石油 切入点:高等教育 出处:《中国石油大学(华东)》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在科学技术日新月异发展的21世纪,石油在国际的舞台上不但没有减少其本身的能源意义,,反而又增加了其战略的作用。石油高等人才培养体系业已成为驱动开发国家经济潜力、带动经济高速运转的基础性力量。因此对比研究中俄石油人才培养体系具有极其重要的理论意义和现实意义,本论文的目的即是希望能对具有战略意义的石油高等教育提供有意义的借鉴和帮助。 本文通篇采用对比的方法,对中俄两国石油人才培养体系以及石油行业高级人才培养方面的优势和特点进行了较为深入的分析。从历时和共时的两个角度考虑,在对俄罗斯石油高等院校发展进行纵向理解和分析的同时,也对中俄两国石油教育分别从管理体制等方面进行横向的同步比较与研究。本文首先分析了石油人才培养体系的重要意义及俄罗斯高等教育体制的概况,然后依次从培养方案、课程设置、培养特色、就业情况分别对中国以及俄罗斯本科层次以及硕士层次的高等教育进行了详细的描述和分析,最后对两国的石油人才培养体系进行了对比,由此得出对我国石油高等教育发展的建议,希望能够得出一些对中国石油高等教育以及其人才的培养的借鉴性结论。 探寻俄罗斯石油高等教育事业的优势和特色,指出我国石油高校中培养方案、课程设置、培养特色和就业方向中的存在问题和弊端,可以更好地促进我国石油高等教育事业的进一步发展完善,从而更有利于为我国石油行业培养高素质专业人才。这一过程显然有利于我国包括石油高等教育在内的教育事业在改革和发展的过程中扬长避短,在稳定中求得修正和发展。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology in the 21st century, oil in the international arena not only does not reduce its own energy significance, but also increases its strategic role.Petroleum higher talent training system has become the basic force to drive the development of national economic potential and drive the rapid operation of the economy.Therefore, the comparative study of Sino-Russian petroleum talent training system has extremely important theoretical and practical significance. The purpose of this paper is to provide meaningful reference and help to the strategic petroleum higher education.In this paper, the comparative method is used to analyze the advantages and characteristics of China and Russia's petroleum talent training system and senior talents training in petroleum industry.From the point of view of diachronic and synchronic, this paper makes a vertical understanding and analysis of the development of Russian petroleum colleges and universities, at the same time, makes a horizontal comparison and research on the petroleum education of China and Russia from the aspects of management system and so on.This paper first analyzes the important significance of petroleum talent training system and the general situation of Russian higher education system, and then in turn from the training scheme, curriculum design, training characteristics,The employment situation has carried on the detailed description and the analysis to the Chinese and the Russian undergraduate level and the master's level higher education separately, finally has carried on the contrast to the two countries petroleum talented person training system.This paper draws some suggestions on the development of China's petroleum higher education, and hopes to draw some useful conclusions for China's petroleum higher education and the cultivation of its talents.This paper explores the advantages and characteristics of Russian petroleum higher education, and points out the problems and drawbacks in the training scheme, curriculum, training characteristics and employment direction in Chinese petroleum colleges and universities.It can better promote the further development and perfection of China's petroleum higher education, and thus be more conducive to the cultivation of high-quality professionals for our country's petroleum industry.This process is obviously beneficial to the reform and development of our country's higher education, including petroleum education, in the process of reform and development, in order to get the correction and development in the process of stability.


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