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发布时间:2018-04-05 01:37

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:互联网 出处:《长春理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着互联网技术的发展,以计算机、通信和信息技术为支撑的互联网络作为信息传播的新媒体,正逐渐改变着人们的价值观念、工作方式、生活方式以及行为方式。目前,大学生是我国最大的网络受众群,网络既为大学生提供了全新的视角点,也直接影响到大学生的理想信念、道德素养、行为规范,网络使用的不合理导致种种网络行为问题出现。 大学生是未来我国改革、建设和发展的骨干力量,其思想政治素质直接关系到国家的前途、民族的命运,因此,加强大学生网络思想政治教育,引导大学生正确的网络行为,已成为思想政治教育内容的重要组成部分。 本文对互联网的相关概念作了界定,对大学生互联网使用状况作了较为系统的调查,对互联网对大学生思想政治教育的负面影响因素进行了深入的分析,在此基础上,提出了正确引导大学生使用互联网的对策,具体做法是:一是促进互联网文化建设;二是加强互联网监督管理;三是加强校园网络的创新建设;四是建立新型的思想政治教育队伍;五是创新高效网络思想政治教育方式。
[Abstract]:With the development of Internet technology, the Internet, supported by computer, communication and information technology, is gradually changing people's values, working style, life style and behavior style.At present, college students are the largest network audience in our country. The network not only provides a new angle of view for college students, but also has a direct impact on their ideals, beliefs, moral qualities, and norms of behavior.The irrational use of the network leads to a variety of network behavior problems.College students are the backbone of our reform, construction and development in the future, and their ideological and political quality is directly related to the future of the country and the fate of the nation.It has become an important part of ideological and political education.This paper defines the related concepts of the Internet, makes a more systematic investigation on the situation of university students' Internet use, and makes a deep analysis of the negative influence factors of the Internet on the ideological and political education of college students, on the basis of which,This paper puts forward some countermeasures to guide college students to use the Internet: first, to promote the construction of Internet culture; second, to strengthen the supervision and management of Internet; third, to strengthen the innovative construction of campus network;The fourth is to establish a new ideological and political education team, and the fifth is to innovate the effective network ideological and political education methods.


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