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发布时间:2018-04-05 06:49

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:核心价值观 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济全球化的发展以及我国现代化进程的推进,整个社会发生了巨大的变化,我国正处于这种急剧变化的社会转型的关键时期,,社会生活以至社会文化更趋多元化、复杂化,导致人们的价值观走向前所未有的复杂化和多样化。当代中国大学生价值观教育面临的正是这样一个充满着新情况、新矛盾、新问题的崭新环境。然而只研究大学生某一方面或几个方面的价值观对于研究大学生价值观现状和引导大学生树立正确价值观而言不够全面,如果研究大学生价值观的方方面面价值观则不免会犯全而不深的问题,所以笔者根据研究需要利用“二分法”对价值观进行划分,即将价值观划分为核心价值观与非核心价值观,主要研究核心价值观。因为核心价值观是人们在处理各种价值问题时所持的根本立场、观点和态度,在价值观体系中处于中心地位,是价值观的中心和内核,代表价值观的基本特征,体现价值观的根本倾向,引导并制约着非核心地位的价值观。对新时期大学生核心价值观进行研究,对于了解大学生价值观的现状和问题、引导大学生树立正确的价值观而言是有实效的也是有必要的,对新时期高校思想政治教育提供新的思路和方法。 笔者借鉴其他学者根据价值关系的基本维度对核心价值观进行的分类,即分为人与自然的价值关系、人与社会的价值关系、人与他人的价值关系和人与自身的价值关系,并以此为主要内容对广州部分高校在校大学生进行问卷调查。根据调查结果总结广州高校大学生核心价值观现状,并进一步分析大学生核心价值观现状形成的影响因素,以点带面,有重点地从个体因素、学校因素、社会转型因素方面进行分析。最后以价值观合理性的探讨为前提,对高校大学生核心价值观教育提出建议即以社会主义核心价值体系为指导思想;以理想信念教育为核心;重视家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育的合力作用;加强高校思想政治理论课程教育实效性;建设网络教育平台。
[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization and the advancement of the modernization process of our country, great changes have taken place in the whole society. Our country is in the crucial period of this kind of rapid social transformation, and the social life and even the social culture become more diversified.Complication leads to unprecedented complexity and diversification of people's values.The value education of contemporary Chinese college students is faced with such a new environment full of new situations, new contradictions and new problems.However, it is not comprehensive enough to study only one or several aspects of college students' values in order to study the present situation of college students' values and guide them to set up correct values.If we study all aspects of the values of college students, we can't avoid the problem of the whole and not deep, so the author divides the values according to the need of the research by "dichotomy".The values are divided into core values and non-core values, mainly studying core values.Because core values are the fundamental positions, views and attitudes that people hold when dealing with various value issues, are central in the value system, are the core and core of values, and represent the basic characteristics of values.Embody the fundamental tendency of values, guide and restrict the value of non-core status.To study the core values of college students in the new period is effective and necessary to understand the present situation and problems of college students' values and to guide them to set up correct values.It provides new ideas and methods for ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the new period.The author draws lessons from the classification of core values made by other scholars according to the basic dimensions of the value relationship, that is, the value relationship between man and nature, the value relationship between man and society, the value relationship between man and others, and the value relationship between man and himself.And this as the main content of Guangzhou college students conducted a questionnaire survey.According to the results of the investigation, this paper summarizes the present situation of the core values of college students in Guangzhou, and further analyzes the influencing factors of the formation of the status quo of the core values of the college students, so as to focus on the individual factors and the school factors.The factors of social transition are analyzed.Finally, on the premise of exploring the rationality of values, the author puts forward some suggestions to college students' core value education, that is, to take the socialist core value system as the guiding ideology, to take the ideal and belief education as the core, to attach importance to family education, to school education,The resultant effect of social education; strengthening the effectiveness of ideological and political theory curriculum education in colleges and universities; constructing the platform of network education.


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