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发布时间:2018-04-05 18:07

  本文选题:成长 切入点:成长观 出处:《山西农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:思想政治教育是社会用一定的思想观念、政治观点、道德规范对其成员施加有目的、有计划、有组织的影响,使他们形成符合一定社会或阶级所需要的思想品德的社会实践活动。 本文界定大学生成长的内涵应该是大学生的身心发展逐步成熟完善的过程。我们对大学生成长的定义立足于马克思主义,同时参考心理学、教育学等相关学科的前沿理论,在搭建好理论基础的前提下本文选择的切入视角是思政教育。我们只选取了大学生阶段的青年阶段来考察成长和成长过程的内涵,以大学生为基点,可以向前向后各自扩展,用同样或类似的研究方法探讨人生不同阶段的成长内涵。大学生的成长是一个主体性与主导性相互促进的过程。所谓主体性,是指人在认识和改造客观世界的对象性活动中所表现出的独立性、自主性、能动性和创造性。对大学生培养教育的根本目标是促使其能够全面发展,因此思想政治教育的主要方式是认真贯彻全面发展方针,让人类能够自主、全方位进步,这和大学生培养目标是相同的,它奠定了人类全面发展的基础。 大学生健康成长的思想政治教育途径包括:提倡交往式教育,促进教育研究方向转变;发挥能动性作用,激发大学生的主体意识;凸显公平性特征,尊重大学生的平等地位;开拓创新性思维,调动大学生发挥独创性;加强针对性教育,实现大学生学习实效性。 大学时期正是世界观、人生观、价值观塑造并成型的重要阶段,即将步入社会,也是其责任感、品质、社会道德等成熟的时期,这些大学生具有较多的喜好,存在较为激烈的情感反应,思考问题的角度更为全面,也是知识增加、技术提升的关键阶段。大学时期是大学生良性发展的重要阶段,身心健康、政治稳定、能够很好的与周边环境相匹配,这是其良性发展的基本要求,对大学生进行思想政治教育能够保证他们良性成长与发展。提升学生的思想、政治、文化及身心能力,能够有效的促进其良性成长,更是基本的要求。大学生全方位发展,是当今构建和谐社会的基本内容,也是人本观念的实质需求,更体现了要实现大学生良性发展这一基本目标。
[Abstract]:Ideological and political education means that society exerts a purposeful, planned and organized influence on its members with certain ideological concepts, political views, and moral norms.To form a social practice that meets the needs of a society or class.This paper defines the connotation of college students' growth should be the process of their physical and mental development.Our definition of college students' growth is based on Marxism, at the same time referring to psychology, pedagogy and other related disciplines of the frontier theory, in the premise of building a good theoretical basis, this article chooses the perspective of ideological and political education.We only select the youth stage of college students to investigate the connotation of growth and growth process. Based on college students, we can expand forward and backward, and explore the connotation of growth in different stages of life with the same or similar research methods.The growth of college students is a process of mutual promotion of subjectivity and leading.Subjectivity refers to the independence, autonomy, initiative and creativity of human beings in the objective activities of understanding and transforming the objective world.The basic goal of cultivating and educating college students is to promote their all-round development. Therefore, the main way of ideological and political education is to conscientiously carry out the policy of all-round development so that human beings can make their own and all-round progress. This is the same as the goal of college students' training.It laid the foundation for the all-round development of mankind.The ways of ideological and political education for the healthy growth of college students include: advocating communicative education, promoting the change of educational research direction, giving play to the role of initiative, arousing the subject consciousness of college students, highlighting the characteristics of fairness and respecting the equal status of college students;Open up innovative thinking, mobilize students to play originality, strengthen targeted education, and realize the effectiveness of college students' learning.The university period is an important stage in shaping and shaping the world outlook, outlook on life, and values. It is about to enter the society, and it is also a mature period of their sense of responsibility, quality, social morality, and so on. These college students have more preferences.There is a more intense emotional response, a more comprehensive perspective of thinking, but also a critical stage of knowledge increase and technology improvement.The university period is an important stage for the healthy development of college students. Physical and mental health, political stability, can be well matched with the surrounding environment, which is the basic requirement of its benign development.Ideological and political education for college students can ensure their healthy growth and development.Improving students' ideological, political, cultural and physical and mental abilities, can effectively promote their healthy growth, is the basic requirement.The all-round development of college students is not only the basic content of constructing harmonious society, but also the essential demand of humanism, which embodies the basic goal of realizing the benign development of college students.


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