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发布时间:2018-04-05 18:45

  本文选题:全日制 切入点:专业学位 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:2009年,我国开始招收全日制专业学位硕士研究生,旨在为国家经济建设培养大量高层次应用型专门人才。全日制专业学位硕士研究生在我国得到初步发展,招生规模不断扩大。然而,由于我国专业学位教育开展的时间不长,发展得不够充分,招生数量的增加必然会引起质量与数量的矛盾。在新的时代背景下,如何协调质量与数量的关系就显得尤为重要。优秀的生源能够提高专业学位教育的质量,全日制专业学位硕士研究生入学考试作为把握生源质量的第一个关键环节,是选拔优秀人才的重要关口。只有拥有了优秀的生源,才能进一步保证其培养质量。近年来,我国对专业学位教育的关注程度不断加深,同时也在不断探索适合专业学位教育的入学考试,对现行的入学考试进行了完善,但仍存在一些问题。 本论文一共分为6个部分。第一部分是导论,阐述了研究本论文的相关背景与意义、界定了“专业学位”和“入学考试”的概念范畴、提出了本论文的研究思路与方法。第二部分是我国专业学位的历史发展沿革,以改革开放为基点,对我国专业学位教育的发展进行了全面的梳理。第三部分从美国研究生入学考试(GRE)入手,全面分析了GRE考试的考试对象、考试组织机构、考试内容、考试方式等内容,总结了GRE考试具有全球性、民间性、全面性、科学性的特点,为我国全日制专业学位硕士研究生入学考试提供借鉴。第四部分提出了目前我国全日制专业学位硕士研究生入学考试的问题:考试组织机构不合理;考试内容无法考查考生的专业素养;复试无法得到有效发挥。在前面研究的基础上,分析了这些弊端形成的主要原因:招生单位自主权小;考试的功能导向性不强。第五部分对我国全日制专业学位硕士研究生入学考试的改革提出了有益的探索。第六部分是结论,指出了本论文的不足之处与今后努力的方向。
[Abstract]:In 2009, China began to recruit full-time professional graduate students, aiming to train a large number of high-level applied professionals for national economic construction.The full-time professional degree master degree graduate student obtains the preliminary development in our country, the enrollment scale unceasingly expands.However, due to the short time and insufficient development of professional degree education in our country, the increase of enrollment quantity will inevitably lead to the contradiction between quality and quantity.In the new era, how to coordinate the relationship between quality and quantity is particularly important.Excellent students can improve the quality of professional degree education. As the first key link to grasp the quality of students, full-time entrance examination for graduate students with professional degrees is an important gateway for the selection of outstanding talents.Only has the outstanding student source, can further guarantee its training quality.In recent years, our country pays more and more attention to the professional degree education, at the same time, it is exploring the entrance examination which is suitable for the professional degree education constantly, has carried on the consummation to the present entrance examination, but still has some problems.This thesis is divided into six parts.The first part is an introduction, which expounds the relevant background and significance of this paper, defines the concept of "professional degree" and "entrance examination", and puts forward the research ideas and methods of this paper.The second part is the history of China's professional degree development, based on the reform and opening up, the development of professional degree education in China has been comprehensively combed.The third part starts with the American Graduate entrance examination (GREE), analyzes the examination object, the examination organization, the examination content, the examination method and so on, summarizes the GRE examination has the global, the folk nature, the comprehensiveness, and so on the examination object, the examination organization, the examination content, the examination way and so on.Scientific characteristics, for our country full-time professional degree graduate entrance examination to provide reference.The fourth part puts forward the problems of the entrance examination of full-time professional degree and master degree in our country at present: the organization of the examination is unreasonable; the content of the examination cannot check the professional accomplishment of the examinee; the second examination can not be effectively brought into play.On the basis of the previous research, this paper analyzes the main reasons for these malpractices: the autonomy of enrollment units is small, the function of examination is not strong.The fifth part puts forward the beneficial exploration to the reform of the entrance examination of the full-time professional degree and master degree in our country.The sixth part is the conclusion, pointing out the deficiency of this paper and the direction of future efforts.


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