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发布时间:2018-04-05 21:34

  本文选题:心理学专业 切入点:培养方式 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Nearly 30 years, our country psychology specialty construction has the very big development.However, due to the vague definition of the subject, the internal division of the subject, the abstraction of the research object, and the mismatch between the research methods and the research expectations, it is difficult to have a unified paradigm for the cultivation of psychology major, and the quality of the cultivation of psychological talents is difficult to meet the social requirements.The major construction of psychology in the United States is at the forefront of the world. Taking the Department of Psychology at Stanford University as an example, the introduction describes the origin and significance of the research, and reviews the domestic and foreign research literature.The system and requirements of degree award and curriculum setup describe the cultivation methods of undergraduate students and graduate students in psychology department of Stanford University. The third part summarizes the six characteristics of the cultivation mode of psychology major in Stanford University, which are respectively: 1: 1.This curriculum is closely connected, gradient layer by layer progressive 2.Career orientation and academic orientation parallel, design curriculum free choice.Cross-disciplinary comprehensive training, the maximum utilization of resources in the school.The credit conversion system is flexible and encourages multi-channel learning.Graduate student elimination policy, the quality of talent supervision of the whole process.Practical ability training and degree linked to reflect the strength of protection.At the same time, the employment situation of its graduates is explained.The fourth part summarizes the problems existing in the cultivation of psychology talents in colleges and universities in China, and draws lessons from the four aspects of the training objectives, degree system, curriculum design and performance assessment of the Department of Psychology of Stanford University.The fifth part summarizes the main contents of the article.Through the research of this paper, we hope to play a positive role in the cultivation of psychology major in our country.


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